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jrmarino edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 5 revisions

Setting up lumina desktop

1. Install packages

ravensw install lumina-single-standard xorg-single-standard

(alternatively, xorg-single-minimal could be used for the latter)

2. Configure startx

Edit ~/.xinitrc

exec /raven/bin/start-lumina-desktop

3. Configure RC system

Freebsd only: Edit /etc/rc.conf to ensure these entries are set:


4. Usage of dbus

Lumina itself neither needs or uses dbus. However, lumina has previously crashed have occurred due to Qt bug.

The start-lumina-desktop routine for Lumina has gone through a number of changes in the last couple versions, and will automatically use DBus if the dbus daemon is active, or actually start a local dbus session if dbus is installed but not active. If it's not installed at all, /var/db/dbus/machine-id file will be created to ensure Qt crash does not occur.