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259 lines (209 loc) · 9.99 KB

Data Science Roadmap🛣️ | Knowledge Graph🤯

Table of Content:

  1. Project details
  2. Project Setup
  3. Future improvement


Project details

  • Create a Knowledge graph which depicts the Roadmap for “Data Science Tools”.
  • Divide the main nodes into categories like “Collection”, “Cleaning”, “EDA”, “Model Building” & “Model Deployment”.
  • Each category will have connections to some well-known tools used within that category.
  • Every time you click a node, it will give you the list of resources to learn the tool (Now we will have very limited resources for testing).


Project Setup

Setting up a virtual environment: Recently I have been using UV to create the virtual environment and install the dependencies, if you not aware about it then please give it a read(It is created in Rust and can save your lot of time).


## If you are using pip: 
pip install uv

Once the UV is installed, create a virtual env.

## To create a virtual environment:

uv venv  # Create a virtual environment at .venv.

## To activate the virtual environment:

# On macOS and Linux.
source .venv/bin/activate

# On Windows.


Install the dependencies:

uv pip install streamlit
uv pip install streamlit-agraph

## Install from a requirements.txt file (OPTIONAL).
uv pip install -r requirements.txt  

Create a

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_agraph import agraph, Node, Edge, Config


st.title("Data Science Tools Hierarchical Graph")

# Split the page into two columns
col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 1])

# Define the nodes
nodes = [
    Node(id="Data Science Tools", label="Data Science Tools", color="#4B0082"),
    Node(id="Collection", label="Collection", color="#4B0082"),
    Node(id="Cleaning", label="Cleaning", color="#4B0082"),
    Node(id="EDA", label="EDA", color="#4B0082"),
    Node(id="Model Building", label="Model Building", color="#4B0082"),
    Node(id="Model Deployment", label="Model Deployment", color="#4B0082"),
    Node(id="Scrapy", label="Scrapy", color="#FF5733"),
    Node(id="Beautiful Soup", label="Beautiful Soup", color="#FF5733"),
    Node(id="Selenium", label="Selenium", color="#FF5733"),
    Node(id="APIs", label="APIs (like Twitter API, Google Maps API)", color="#FF5733"),
    Node(id="SQL", label="SQL", color="#FF5733"),
    Node(id="Pandas", label="Pandas", color="#33FF57"),
    Node(id="NumPy", label="NumPy", color="#33FF57"),
    Node(id="OpenRefine", label="OpenRefine", color="#33FF57"),
    Node(id="DataWrangler", label="DataWrangler", color="#33FF57"),
    Node(id="Matplotlib", label="Matplotlib", color="#33FF57"),
    Node(id="Seaborn", label="Seaborn", color="#33FF57"),
    Node(id="Plotly", label="Plotly", color="#33FF57"),
    Node(id="Scikit-learn", label="Scikit-learn", color="#3357FF"),
    Node(id="TensorFlow", label="TensorFlow", color="#3357FF"),
    Node(id="Keras", label="Keras", color="#3357FF"),
    Node(id="PyTorch", label="PyTorch", color="#3357FF"),
    Node(id="XGBoost", label="XGBoost", color="#3357FF"),
    Node(id="Flask", label="Flask", color="#FF33A6"),
    Node(id="Django", label="Django", color="#FF33A6"),
    Node(id="FastAPI", label="FastAPI", color="#FF33A6"),
    Node(id="Docker", label="Docker", color="#FF33A6"),
    Node(id="Kubernetes", label="Kubernetes", color="#FF33A6")

# Define the edges
edges = [
    Edge(source="Data Science Tools", target="Collection"),
    Edge(source="Data Science Tools", target="Cleaning"),
    Edge(source="Data Science Tools", target="EDA"),
    Edge(source="Data Science Tools", target="Model Building"),
    Edge(source="Data Science Tools", target="Model Deployment"),
    Edge(source="Collection", target="Scrapy"),
    Edge(source="Collection", target="Beautiful Soup"),
    Edge(source="Collection", target="Selenium"),
    Edge(source="Collection", target="APIs"),
    Edge(source="Collection", target="SQL"),
    Edge(source="Cleaning", target="Pandas"),
    Edge(source="Cleaning", target="NumPy"),
    Edge(source="Cleaning", target="OpenRefine"),
    Edge(source="Cleaning", target="DataWrangler"),
    Edge(source="EDA", target="Pandas"),
    Edge(source="EDA", target="NumPy"),
    Edge(source="EDA", target="Matplotlib"),
    Edge(source="EDA", target="Seaborn"),
    Edge(source="EDA", target="Plotly"),
    Edge(source="Model Building", target="Scikit-learn"),
    Edge(source="Model Building", target="TensorFlow"),
    Edge(source="Model Building", target="Keras"),
    Edge(source="Model Building", target="PyTorch"),
    Edge(source="Model Building", target="XGBoost"),
    Edge(source="Model Deployment", target="Flask"),
    Edge(source="Model Deployment", target="Django"),
    Edge(source="Model Deployment", target="FastAPI"),
    Edge(source="Model Deployment", target="Docker"),
    Edge(source="Model Deployment", target="Kubernetes")

# Configure the graph
config = Config(
    node={'labelProperty': 'label'},
    link={'labelProperty': 'label', 'renderLabel': False},
        "hierarchical": {
            "enabled": True,
            "levelSeparation": 150,
            "nodeSpacing": 100,
            "treeSpacing": 200,
            "direction": "UD",  # UD for top to bottom
            "sortMethod": "directed"
    zoom=1.2  # Adjust as needed

# Define resources for each node
resources = {
    "Scrapy": {"Links": [""]},
    "Beautiful Soup": {"Links": [""]},
    "Selenium": {"Links": [""]},
    "APIs": {"Links": [""]},
    "SQL": {"Links": [""]},
    "Pandas": {"Links": [""]},
    "NumPy": {"Links": [""]},
    "OpenRefine": {"Links": [""]},
    "DataWrangler": {"Links": [""]},
    "Matplotlib": {"Links": [""]},
    "Seaborn": {"Links": [""]},
    "Plotly": {"Links": [""]},
    "Scikit-learn": {"Links": [""]},
    "TensorFlow": {"Links": [""]},
    "Keras": {"Links": [""]},
    "PyTorch": {"Links": [""]},
    "XGBoost": {"Links": [""]},
    "Flask": {"Links": [""]},
    "Django": {"Links": [""]},
    "FastAPI": {"Links": [""]},
    "Docker": {"Links": [""]},
    "Kubernetes": {"Links": [""]},
    # Add more resources for other nodes if needed

# Display the graph
clicked_node = agraph(nodes=nodes, edges=edges, config=config)

if clicked_node:
    node_resources = resources.get(clicked_node, {"Links": []})
    for link in node_resources["Links"]:
    st.sidebar.write("Click on a node to see the resources.")

Streamlit Configuration:

  • The page is set to a wide layout.
  • The title of the page is “Data Science Tools Hierarchical Graph”.


  • The page is divided into two columns with a ratio of 3:1.

Node Definitions:

  • Nodes are defined to represent various categories and tools within data science.
  • Categories include “Collection”, “Cleaning”, “EDA”, “Model Building”, and “Model Deployment”.
  • Tools such as “Scrapy”, “Pandas”, “Scikit-learn”, and “Docker” are included under their respective categories.
  • Each node has an ID, label, and color.

Edge Definitions:

  • Edges are created to connect the “Data Science Tools” node to the various category nodes.
  • Each category node is connected to its respective tools.

Graph Configuration:

  • The graph is set to be directed and has node highlight behavior enabled.
  • The hierarchical layout is enabled, with nodes arranged from top to bottom.
  • Graph dimensions and zoom are set.

Resource Links:

  • A dictionary named resources is defined to map tools to their respective resource links.
  • Each tool has a list of related links.

Graph Display and Interaction:

  • The graph is displayed using agraph with the specified nodes, edges, and configuration.
  • A sidebar is created to display resources for a clicked node.
  • If a node is clicked, relevant resource links are shown in the sidebar.
  • If no node is clicked, a default message is displayed in the sidebar.


Future improvement

  • Change the rounded nodes with the respective images.
  • Add more quality resources(Both PDF and links).

More about me:

I am a Data Science enthusiast🌺, Learning and exploring how Math, Business, and Technology can help us to make better decisions in the field of data science.

Want to read more:

YouTube Link (100k+ views):

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How to Set this up in your local

  • git clone <Copy the URL from the dropdown> or Download the zip
  • If you have uv the uv pip install -r requirements.txt else pip install -r requirements.txt
  • streamlit run