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Allow clients code to know about unreadable files and files with broken namespaces #22

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183 changes: 148 additions & 35 deletions src/bultitude/core.clj
Expand Up @@ -33,36 +33,127 @@
(when-not (= ::done form)
(recur rdr)))))

(defn ns-form-for-file [file]
(with-open [r (PushbackReader. (io/reader file))] (read-ns-form r)))

;;; Classifying files

(defn- starting-classification-for-standalone-file [file]
{:file file
:source-type :standalone-file
:reader-maker #(io/reader file)})

(defn- starting-classification-for-jar-entry [^JarFile jarfile jar-entry]
{:file jar-entry
:jarfile jarfile
:source-type :jar-entry
:reader-maker #(-> jarfile
(.getInputStream jar-entry)

(defn- has-valid-namespace? [classification]
(= (:status classification) :contains-namespace))

(defn- standalone-file? [classification]
(= (:source-type classification) :standalone-file))
(def jar-entry? (complement standalone-file?))

(defn- readable? [classification]
(or (jar-entry? classification)
(boolean (.canRead (:file classification)))))

(defn- describe-namespace-status
"Produces a map describing whether a file is
* a clojure file with a namespace
* a clojure file that doesn't try to have a namespace
* a file that can't be parsed as Clojure."
(letfn [(plausible-ns-form? [form]
(if (and (list? form) (= 'ns (first form)))
(if (symbol? (second form))
(throw (Exception.))) ; not just implausible: flat out impossible/invalid.

(next-form []
(let [form (read rdr false ::done)]
(cond (= ::done form)

(plausible-ns-form? form)
(str form) ;; force the read to read the whole form, throwing on error
(second form))

(catch Exception _
(loop [form (next-form)]
(condp = form
::done {:status :no-attempt-at-namespace}
::boring-form (recur (next-form))
::broken-namespace {:status :invalid-clojure-file}
{:status :contains-namespace, :namespace-symbol form}))))

(defn- extend-starting-classification [classification]
(letfn [(grovel-through-bytes []
(with-open [r (PushbackReader. ((:reader-maker classification)))]
(describe-namespace-status r)))]
(if (not (readable? classification))
(assoc classification :status :unreadable)
(merge classification (grovel-through-bytes)))))

(defn classify-dir-entries
"Looks for all Clojure (.clj) files in the directory tree rooted at `dir`, a string.
Returns a seq of maps.
Each map will contain one of four values for the `:status` key:
:contains-namespace (The namespace is the value of key `:namespace-symbol`.)
:no-namespace (There is no `ns` form.)
:broken-namespace (An `ns` entry in the file is malformed.)
The original object is under key `:file`."
(->> (file-seq (io/file dir))
(filter clj?)
(map starting-classification-for-standalone-file)
(map extend-starting-classification)))

(defn classify-jar-entries [^File jar]
"Looks for all Clojure (.clj) files in the given jarfile.
Returns a seq of maps.
Each map will contain one of three values for the `:status` key:
:contains-namespace (The namespace is the value of key `:namespace-symbol`.)
:no-namespace (There is no `ns` form.)
:broken-namespace (An `ns` entry in the file is malformed.)
The original JarEntry object is under key `:file` (sic), and the original
jar is under :jar-file."
(let [as-jar-file (JarFile. jar)]
(->> (enumeration-seq (.entries as-jar-file))
(filter clj-jar-entry?)
(map (partial starting-classification-for-jar-entry as-jar-file))
(map extend-starting-classification)))
(catch ZipException e
(throw (Exception. (str "jar file corrupt: " jar) e)))))

(defn- namespaces-in-x [x classifier]
(->> (classifier x)
(filter has-valid-namespace?)
(map :namespace-symbol)))

(defn namespaces-in-dir
"Return a seq of all namespaces found in Clojure source files in dir."
(for [^File f (file-seq (io/file dir))
:when (and (clj? f) (.canRead f))
:let [ns-form (ns-form-for-file f)]
:when ns-form]

(defn- ns-in-jar-entry [^JarFile jarfile ^JarEntry entry]
(with-open [rdr (-> jarfile
(.getInputStream entry)
(read-ns-form rdr)))
(namespaces-in-x dir classify-dir-entries))

(defn- namespaces-in-jar
"Return a seq of all valid namespaces found in Clojure source files in the given jar."
[^File jar]
(namespaces-in-x jar classify-jar-entries))

(defn- namespaces-in-jar [^File jar]
(let [jarfile (JarFile. jar)]
(for [entry (enumeration-seq (.entries jarfile))
:when (clj-jar-entry? entry)
:let [ns-form (ns-in-jar-entry jarfile entry)]
:when ns-form]
(catch ZipException e
(throw (Exception. (str "jar file corrupt: " jar) e)))))

(defn- split-classpath [^String classpath]
(.split classpath (System/getProperty "path.separator")))
Expand All @@ -86,22 +177,44 @@
(defn- classpath->files [classpath]
(map io/file classpath))

(defn select-subdirectory
"`dir` is the root of a directory hierarchy. Branches (subdirectories)
of that hierarchy are described in Clojure namespace notation. The branch
so described is returned as a ^File.

A `nil` namespace or empty string means the entire hierarchy.

(extend-directory-with-namespace (io/file \".\") \"a.b-test\")
=> (io/file \"./a/b_test\")"
[^File dir namespace]
(if namespace
(io/file dir (-> namespace
(.replaceAll "\\." "/")
(.replaceAll "-" "_")))

(defn filter-by-prefix
"Given a list of namespaces, retain only those whose names
begin with the given prefix. A `nil` prefix means everything
is to be retained."

;; Not describing what `and` does below. As far as I can guess,
;; it's just to make the function produce a nil result from a
;; nil input (instead of the empty sequence you'd otherwise get.
[namespaces prefix]
(if prefix
(filter #(and % (.startsWith (name %) prefix)) namespaces)

(defn file->namespaces
"Map a classpath file to the namespaces it contains. `prefix` allows for
reducing the namespace search space. For large directories on the classpath,
passing a `prefix` can provide significant efficiency gains."
[^String prefix ^File f]
(.isDirectory f) (namespaces-in-dir
(if prefix
(io/file f (-> prefix
(.replaceAll "\\." "/")
(.replaceAll "-" "_")))
(jar? f) (let [ns-list (namespaces-in-jar f)]
(if prefix
(filter #(and % (.startsWith (name %) prefix)) ns-list)
(.isDirectory f) (namespaces-in-dir (select-subdirectory f prefix))
(jar? f) (filter-by-prefix (namespaces-in-jar f) prefix)))

(defn namespaces-on-classpath
"Return symbols of all namespaces matching the given prefix both on disk and
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/bultitude/clojure-file-without-a-namespace.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(defn fact [n]
(apply * (range 1 (inc n))))
120 changes: 119 additions & 1 deletion test/bultitude/core_test.clj
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
(ns bultitude.core-test
(:use clojure.test
[clojure.pprint :only [pprint]])
(require [ :as io])
(:import ( File BufferedReader PushbackReader InputStreamReader)
(java.util.jar JarFile JarEntry)))

;;; Top-level tests

(deftest namespaces-on-classpath-test
(testing "find clojure.core"
Expand All @@ -22,3 +28,115 @@
(is (=
(set (namespaces-on-classpath :prefix "bulti-tude"))))))

(deftest namespaces-in-dir-test
(is (= '#{bulti-tude.test bultitude.core-test}
(set (namespaces-in-dir "test")))))

;; Don't know why `namespaces-in-jar` is private while `namespaces-in-dir` isn't.
;; Since it is, it's tested below, in "utilities".

;; The above functions are the main ones, but the following
;; are useful for tools that want to work with the namespace
;; classifications rather than just namespaces.

(deftest select-subdirectory-test
(is (= (io/file "./test/bulti_tude")
(select-subdirectory (io/file ".") "test.bulti-tude")))

(is (= (io/file "test")
(select-subdirectory (io/file "test") nil)))

(is (= (io/file "test")
(select-subdirectory (io/file "test") ""))))

(deftest filter-by-prefix-test
(is (= '[bultitude.core]
(filter-by-prefix '[bultitude.core clojure.test] "bultitude")))
(is (= '[bultitude.core clojure.test]
(filter-by-prefix '[bultitude.core clojure.test] nil))))

(defn formatted-actual [result-maps]
(set (map #(assoc % :file (.getName (:file %))) result-maps)))

(defn selected-actual [formatted-actual]
(set (map #(select-keys % [:namespace-symbol :status :file])

(deftest classify-dir-entries-test
(let [result (formatted-actual (classify-dir-entries "test"))
expected #{ {:status :contains-namespace
:file "test.clj"
:namespace-symbol 'bulti-tude.test}

{:status :no-attempt-at-namespace
:file "clojure-file-without-a-namespace.clj"}

{:status :contains-namespace
:file "core_test.clj"
:namespace-symbol 'bultitude.core-test}

{:status :invalid-clojure-file
:file "invalid.clj"}}]

(is (= expected (selected-actual result)))
(is (= #{:standalone-file} (set (map :source-type result))))))

(deftest classify-jar-entries-test
(let [result (formatted-actual (classify-jar-entries (io/file "test/test.jar")))
expected #{ {:status :contains-namespace
:file "bulti_tude/test.clj"
:namespace-symbol 'bulti-tude.test}

{:status :no-attempt-at-namespace
:file "bultitude/clojure-file-without-a-namespace.clj"}

{:status :contains-namespace
:file "bultitude/core_test.clj"
:namespace-symbol 'bultitude.core-test}

{:status :invalid-clojure-file
:file "bultitude/invalid.clj"}}]
(is (= expected (selected-actual result)))
(is (= #{:jar-entry} (set (map :source-type result))))
(is (= #{"test/test.jar"} (set (map #(.getName (:jarfile %)) result))))))

;;; Utilities

(deftest describe-namespace-status-test
(let [subject #'bultitude.core/describe-namespace-status
as-reader #(PushbackReader. ( %))]
;; success cases
(is (= {:status :contains-namespace
:namespace-symbol 'foo}
(subject (as-reader "(ns foo)"))))
(is (= {:status :contains-namespace
:namespace-symbol 'foo}
(subject (as-reader "1 (ns foo)"))))
;; Note: it doesn't matter if the file is broken
;; after the namespace is recognized
(is (= {:status :contains-namespace
:namespace-symbol 'foo}
(subject (as-reader "1 (ns foo) ("))))

;; No attempt at namespaces
(is (= {:status :no-attempt-at-namespace}
(subject (as-reader ""))))
(is (= {:status :no-attempt-at-namespace}
(subject (as-reader "1"))))
(is (= {:status :no-attempt-at-namespace}
(subject (as-reader "(defn fact [n] (inc n))"))))

;; Broken Clojure files
(is (= {:status :invalid-clojure-file}
(subject (as-reader "(ns foo"))))
(is (= {:status :invalid-clojure-file}
(subject (as-reader "(ns foo]"))))))

(deftest namespaces-in-jar-test
(is (= (set (#'bultitude.core/namespaces-in-jar (io/file "test/test.jar")))
(set '[bulti-tude.test bultitude.core-test]))))

Empty file.