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Procedural 3D Environments, Trees, Grass, Flowers, Materials and Rocks Generator plug-in for Autodesk Maya.

M-Gen - Materials Generator

Frame Buffer Material - extracts Maya Viewport framebuffer as material. Frame Buffer material in combination with output image modifiers is also part of the Auto snapshot plug-in.

Procedural Brick-Wall - recreate brick-wall materials by mixing noise materials with bricks material. Textures could also be recreated in same maner, by mixing several uniform colors using bricks material and noise as masks.

Patterns Materials - by mixing pattern materials more interesting and more complicated patterns could be recreated instantly.

Cartoonize Modifier - cartoonizes input image. Output can be black-white or colorized cartoonized image.

E-Gen - Procedural Environment Generator

Examples of procedural terrains

Erosion modifier:

T-Gen - Procedural Trees Generator

T-Gen is tool for procedural generation of 3D Trees Models. It is possible to define type of tree, its topology and textures.

Edit textures (leafs and tree barks) easily from 3Gen GUI:

3Gen support most of the three and four channel images: png, jpg, tiff, tga.

Four examples of same tree model with different textures and evironment

G-Gen - Procedural Grass and Flowers Generator

In progress...

R-Gen - Procedural Rocks Generator

Initial mesh for procedural rocks can be based on supershapes node:

Comparing 3Gen with Maya cmds

API comparison

3Gen API - Primitive objects:

import numpy as np

from pg_source.pg_object.pg_maya_objects import maya_tube;
from pg_source.pg_object.pg_maya_objects import maya_plane;
from pg_source.pg_object.pg_maya_objects import maya_sphere;

# Create Tube in 3D
TUBE = maya_tube.Maya_tube(name = 'tube_1', sx = 11, sy = 3, height = 35, radius_down = 3.5, radius_up = 3.5)
TUBE.rotate(z = 70, x = 15)
TUBE.translate(np.array([0, 0, 10]))

# Create Plane in 3D
PLANE = maya_plane.Maya_plane(name = 'plane_1', sx = 8, sy = 15, height = 40, width = 31)
PLANE.rotate(y = 30, x = 60)
PLANE.translate(np.array([0, -10, 0]))

# Create Cone in 3D
CONE = maya_tube.Maya_tube(name = 'cone_1', sx = 11, sy = 45, height = 19.2, radius_down = 3.5, radius_up = 0, power = 2)
CONE.rotate(z = 0, x = 15)
CONE.translate(np.array([0, 3, -10]))

# Create Sphere in 3D
SPHERE = maya_sphere.Maya_sphere(name = 'sphere_1', sx = 11, sy = 15, radius = 5.0)
SPHERE.rotate(x = 17, y = 45)
SPHERE.translate(np.array([0, 5, -7]))

Maya cmds - Primitive objects:

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Create Cyilinder in 3D
cmds.polyCylinder(sx = 11, sy = 3, h = 35, n = 'tube_2')
cmds.setAttr('tube_2.rx', 30)
cmds.setAttr('tube_2.rz', 115)
cmds.setAttr('tube_2.tx', 10)

# Create Plane in 3D
cmds.polyPlane(sx = 8, sy = 15, h = 40, w = 31, n = 'plane_2')
cmds.setAttr('plane_2.ry', 100)
cmds.setAttr('plane_2.rz', 45)
cmds.setAttr('plane_2.tx', -15)
cmds.setAttr('', 13)

# Create Cone in 3D
cmds.polyCone(sx = 11, sy = 45, h = 19.2, r = 3.5, n = 'cone_2')
cmds.setAttr('cone_2.ry', 170)
cmds.setAttr('cone_2.rz', 55)
cmds.setAttr('cone_2.tx', -14)

# Create Sphere in 3D
cmds.polySphere(sx = 15, sy = 35, r = 5.5, n = 'sphere_2')
cmds.setAttr('sphere_2.rx', 13)
cmds.setAttr('sphere_2.ry', 46)
cmds.setAttr('sphere_2.tx', -6)

Resulting primitive objects created with 3Gen API and Maya Python API:


Test includes creating grid of 10.000 planes (100x100). Test was done on laptop with i5-7300HQ and 16GB of RAM

n = 100 # grid width
sx = 1  # number of plane subdivisions by x axis
sy = 1  # number of plane subdivisions by y axis
h = 1   # height of each plane
w = 1   # width of each plane

# translation grid
x = np.linspace(0, n, n)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x)
x = x.ravel()
y = y.ravel()

Maya cmds

execution time: ~15.2 seconds

for i in range(n ** 2):

    name = 'plane_' + str(i)
    cmds.polyPlane(sx = sx, sy = sy, h = h, w = w, n = name)
    cmds.move(x[i], 0, y[i], name)

3Gen API

execution time: ~1.5 seconds (10x speedup)

from pg_source.pg_object import pg_planes
from pg_source.pg_object import pg_plane

PLANES = pg_planes.Planes(base_name = 'plane_')

for i in range(n ** 2):
    PLANES.PLANE[i] = pg_plane.Plane(name = str(i), sx = sx, sy = sy, height = h, width = w)
    PLANES.PLANE[i].translate(np.array(x[i], 0, y[i]))


3Gen API with precalculated data

execution time: ~0.28 seconds (54x speedup)

from pg_source.pg_object import pg_planes
from pg_source.pg_object import pg_plane

from pg_source.pg_object.pg_maya_objects.plane import vtx_pos
from pg_source.pg_object.pg_maya_objects.plane import uv
from pg_source.pg_object.pg_maya_objects.plane import poly_count
from pg_source.pg_object.pg_maya_objects.plane import poly_connections

    PLANES = pg_planes.Planes(base_name = 'plane_')

    VTX_POS          = vtx_pos.Vtx_pos(sx, sy, h, w)
    UV               = uv.UV(sx, sy)
    POLY_COUNT       = poly_count.Poly_count(sx * sy)
    POLY_CONNECTIONS = poly_connections.Poly_connections(sx, sy)

    for i in range(n ** 2):

        PLANES.PLANE[i] = pg_plane.Plane(name = str(i), sx = sx, sy = sy, height = h, width = w, VTX_POS = VTX_POS, UV = UV, POLY_COUNT = POLY_COUNT, POLY_CONNECTIONS = POLY_CONNECTIONS)
        PLANES.PLANE[i].translate(np.array(x[i], 0, y[i]))


Customizable GUI

Whole 3Gen GUI is customizable from config.json. All objects, images, parameters and their order is defined here. User can freely change this configuration file and just rerun the application.

"SUN" : {

    "CONFIG_IMAGE" : {

        "src_path_relative" : "textures/sun",
        "src_img_name"      : "sun_1"},

    "ATTRIBUTES" : {

        "intens"            : {"name" : "Ints", "minValue" :       1, "value" :      5, "maxValue" :      9, "type" :   "int", "annotation" : "Sun Intensity"},
        "x"                 : {"name" : "X"   , "minValue" : -1200.0, "value" :    0.0, "maxValue" : 1200.0, "type" : "float", "annotation" : "X position"},
        "y"                 : {"name" : "Y"   , "minValue" :   600.0, "value" : 1200.0, "maxValue" : 1800.0, "type" : "float", "annotation" : "Y position"},
        "z"                 : {"name" : "Z"   , "minValue" : -1200.0, "value" :    0.0, "maxValue" : 1200.0, "type" : "float", "annotation" : "Z position"},
        "maya_object_name"  : "Sun"}},

"PERLIN" : {

    "CONFIG_IMAGE" : {

        "tgt_path_relative" : "materials",
        "tgt_png_name"      : "perlin"},

    "ATTRIBUTES" : {

        "height"    : {"name" : "H"   , "minValue" :    64, "value" :   256, "maxValue" : 1024, "type" :   "int", "annotation" : "Height of material"},
        "width"     : {"name" : "W"   , "minValue" :    64, "value" :   256, "maxValue" : 1024, "type" :   "int", "annotation" : "Width of material"},
        "octave"    : {"name" : "Oct" , "minValue" :     1, "value" :     5, "maxValue" :    9, "type" :   "int", "annotation" : "Octave"},
        "seed"      : {"name" : "Seed", "minValue" :     1, "value" :   500, "maxValue" : 1000, "type" :   "int", "annotation" : "Seed for random number generator"},
        "amplitude" : {"name" : "Ampl", "minValue" :     1, "value" :   177, "maxValue" :  250, "type" :   "int", "annotation" : "Amplitude"},
        "frequency" : {"name" : "Freq", "minValue" : 0.001, "value" : 0.044, "maxValue" :  0.1, "type" : "float", "annotation" : "Frequency"}}},


3Gen Project Overview






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