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RazerMS Inpage Checkout Sandbox Guide v2.0

adryn33129 edited this page Jan 22, 2021 · 4 revisions

RazerMS Inpage Checkout Sandbox Guide v2.0


Please do not generate your vcode in JS as this will disclose the merchant verify key.

Getting started

Register your domain by email to our support :

Include below javascript library in your web.

 <!-- jQuery (necessary for RazerMS Seamless JavaScript plugins) -->
 <script src=""></script>
 <script src=""></script> 


<!-- Radio button trigger RazerMS Seamless Iframe -->
<input type="radio" name="payment_options" id="paymentcredit_alb-paymex" value="credit" data-toggle="molpayseamlessiframe" data-mpsmerchantid="MOLPay_seamless_Dev" data-mpschannel="credit" data-mpsamount="1.20" data-mpsorderid="TEST1139669863" data-mpsbill_name="MOLPay Demo" data-mpsccbox="#MOLPAYCC" required />
<!-- Div element for iframe to be loaded -->
<div id="MOLPAYCC"></div>


The RazerMS seamless iframe plugin process your button, via data attributes.

Via data attributes

Activate a RazerMS seamless iframe without writing JavaScript. Set data-toggle="molpayseamlessiframe" on a controller element, like a radio button, along with a data-mpsamount="1.01" to set value.

<input type="radio" data-toggle="molpayseamlessiframe">Pay by Credit/Debit Card</button> 


Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript. For data attributes, append the option name to data-, as in data-mpsamount="".

Name Data Type (size) M/O Description
mpsmerchantid an{1..32} M Merchant login username provided by RazerMS.
mpschannel an{3..32} M Refer to Appendix C for more channel code.
mpsamount ns{10,2} M The transaction amount in one bill. Min accepted amount : 1.01
mpsorderid an{1..32} M Bill / Invoice no. provided by merchant.
mpsbill_name a{1..128} M Buyer name.
mpsbill_email ans{1..128} M Buyer email.
mpsbill_mobile n{1..128} M Buyer mobile contact number.
mpsbill_desc an{1..200} M Bill / Description provided by merchant / buyer.
mpscountry a{2} O Buyer country.
mpsvcode an{32} C This is the data integrity protection hash string provided by merchant.
mpscurrency a{3} O Payment currency, E.g. MYR, SGD, USD & etc.
mpslangcode a{2} O Default language, E.g. 'en' for default.
mpsreturnurl ans{1..200} O Obsoleted. Used for multiple return URL. All URLs must be registered beforehand with RazerMS.
non_3ds n[0/1] O Applicable to card processing via specific processor using specific currency for pre-approved partner only.
Equal to 0 by default and 1 for non-3DS transaction
mpstcctype a{4} O SALS
AUTS (For card payment only, please inform in advanced before starting using pre-auth payment)
mpstokenstatus n[0/1] O To tokenized the transaction.
mpsccbox ans M Element id or class name to show the iframe. E.g. #MOLPAYCC, .MOLPAYCC.

Appendix A: Data Type Details

No Code Description
1. a Letters, A-Za-z
2. n Numbers, 0-9
3. s Symbols, .:
4. {x} Fixed length x
5. {y..x} Length range: y – x
6. {y,x} Number range: 0-9. 0-9

Appendix B: M/O Details

No Code Description
1. M Mandatory field.
2. O Optional field, value can be empty.
3. C Conditional

Appendix C: Channel details (mpschannel)

No Code Description Type Supported
1. credit Credit Card/ Debit Card Credit Card MY, MYR, CC (TxnType: SALS, AUTH)
2. creditT Credit Card/ Debit Card Credit Card Worldwide, USD/MYR, CC (TxnType: SALS, AUTH)

Data attributes for individual RazerMS seamless iframe

Options for individual RazerMS seamless iframe can alternatively be specified through the use of data attributes, as explained above.

Return Parameters

  • All return parameters are the same as described in RazerMS API for merchants.
  • Merchant can use the same return URL script for this seamless iframe integration.
  • Once payment is done, the existing page will be replaced by the merchant return URL.


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