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CS Cart Version 4.10.x

candyyng edited this page Feb 21, 2020 · 2 revisions
  • Download this plugin (right-click, save as) [version] (, Extract/Unzip the files.

  • Upload or copy those file and folder into your CS-Cart root folder

  • (Skip this if your CS-Cart is not hosted in UNIX environment). Please ensure the file permission is correct. It's recommended to CHMOD to 644

  • Go to any browser (Mozilla, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc), copy and paste the URL shown below into address bar on your browser. (The purpose of this action is to register MOLPay Payment plugin into the database).

    ***Replace with URL address of your shopping cart.

Attention :

Since CS-Cart Version 4.1.5 have a skey conflict with system parameter, then please add this snippet && empty($_REQUEST['domain']) && empty($_REQUEST['currency']) into your cscart root folder (app/controllers/frontend/init.php)


  1. Open file init.php then find if(!empty($_REQUEST['skey'])) on line 26.

  2. Find this snippet code if(!empty($_REQUEST['skey'])) {

  3. Replace with this code and the result will be like this :
    if(!empty($_REQUEST['skey']) && empty($_REQUEST['domain']) && empty($_REQUEST['currency'])) {

  • Login as CS-Cart Store Admin, go to Administration > Payment Methods.

  • Click Add Payment to create new payment method.

  • Refer to the datail below, kindly insert details into the respective fields:

    1. Name: MOLPay
    2. Processor: select "MOLPay Malaysia Online Payment"
    3. Template:(optional)
    4. Payment Category: Internet Payments
    5. Another fields is optional
  • Click on [Configure] tab on the right to enter your MOLPay Merchant Id & Verify key.

  • Fill in the details accordingly:

    1. Merchant ID : Your MOLPay Merchant ID
    2. Verify Key : Your MOLPay Verify key. Check your merchant profile to have this key.
  • Click on [Create] button on the bottom to save all changes.

  • Save all the changes. You’re Done!