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root@razi:~# Make A-change
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Project is indevelopment by Team
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Please be aware this is a beta feed page for testing and will not be officially released
This agriculture project is powered by arduino ESP32 micro-controller, this projects aims towards building a smart agriculture house containing a handful amount of sensors in order to achieve a smarter way of monitoring plants. it's equipped with state-of-the-art security measurements and immediate alarms and protective actions.
The following image contains a prototype describing how the system works.
In this feature there will be a connected water supply tube to every plant in the system, the water will be supplied depending on Whether the ground is dry or not.
There will be a wiether check using an API when the day is rainy the water supplying will be skipped. The system will counduct humidity check only if the Humidity level is unacceptable there will be a warning to the web interface and also a sonic warning. (Humidity checks will be virtual and powered by OpenWeather API). The system will conduct a temperature check if the temperature is unacceptable there will be a warning pop up on the web interface and also a sonic warning. (Temperature checks will be virtual and powered by OpenWeather API). If a fire or a gas leak was detected by the system the system will automatically signal a sonic alarm and also a popup on the web interface and overwork the water supplying Responsible for handiling pop-up alarms. Responsible for handiling alarms and weather data. Responsible for providing plants with lights if needed, determined using a photoresistor or time table.
Exampe of the code running in the ESP32 based on the API data
Most components was already provided at my expense
- ESP32 Board View on aliexpress
- Power supply Not yet decided.
- Moisture sensor View on aliexpress
- Photoresistor View on aliexpress
- Gas sensor View on aliexpress
- Sonic alarm View on aliexpress
- Water supplier motor (Water pump) View on digikey
- Light supplier (LED orange) View on aliexpress
- Alarm ligh (LED Red) View on aliexpress
- 5mm fans View on aliexpress
- 4*20 LCD Display View on aliexpress
ESP32-WIFI connection code with openweather API using http request
View API http call code & init wifi at the main file here.View API http call sandbox test here (Not a real API).
Exampe of the code running in the ESP32 according to the API data with LCD display
View LCD display containing weather and alarm data code here.
No need for testing, device is operating successfuly and same as the pervious test
Example of the demo alarm system
This alarm system is not yet finished and waiting for a speaker alarm and more extra leds to be added.
Download video hereexample of light supplier
This light supplier works only in the day, it determines if it should run or not based on Openweather API to get night/day status and also a light sensor.