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mattdowle committed Dec 9, 2016
1 parent b8b033c commit 0bd54d4
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Showing 2 changed files with 4 additions and 3 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion CRAN_Release.cmd
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Expand Up @@ -296,9 +296,10 @@ export R_LIBS=~/build/revdeplib/
export R_LIBS_SITE=none
export _R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_=false # in my profile so always set
R CMD INSTALL ~/data.table_1.10.1.tar.gz # ** ensure latest version installed into revdeplib **
rm -rf *.Rcheck # delete all previous .Rcheck directories
rm -rf *.Rcheck # [optional] delete all previous .Rcheck directories
ls -1 *.tar.gz | wc -l # check this equals length(deps) above
time ls -1 *.tar.gz | parallel R CMD check # apx 2.5 hrs for 313 packages on my 4 cpu laptop with 8 threads
ls -1 *.tar.gz | grep -E 'pk1|pk2|...' | parallel R CMD check

status = function(which="both") {
if (which=="both") {
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ When you see the `..` prefix think _one-level-up_ like the directory `..` in all

1. `fwrite()`'s `..turbo` option has been removed as the warning message warned. We aren't aware of any problems with `..turbo=TRUE` so there is no need to fall back to `FALSE`. If you've found a problem, please [report it](

2. No known issues have arisen due to `DT[,1]`, `DT[,c("colA","colB")]` etc now returning columns as in introduced in v1.9.8. However, as we've moved forward by setting `options('datatable.WhenJisSymbolThenCallingScope'=TRUE)` introduced then too, it has become clear a better solution is needed. All 313 CRAN and Bioconductor packages that use data.table have been checked with this option on. 331 lines would need to be changed in 59 packages. Their usage is elegant, correct and recommended, though. Examples are `DT[1, encoding]` in quanteda and `DT[winner=="first", freq]` in xgboost. These are looking up the columns `encoding` and `freq` respectively and returning them as vectors. But if, for some reason, those columns are removed from `DT` but `encoding` or `freq` are still in calling scope, their values in calling scope would be returned. Which cannot be what was intended and could lead to silent bugs. That was the risk we are trying to avoid. <br>
2. No known issues have arisen due to `DT[,1]`, `DT[,c("colA","colB")]` etc now returning columns as introduced in v1.9.8. However, as we've moved forward by setting `options('datatable.WhenJisSymbolThenCallingScope'=TRUE)` introduced then too, it has become clear a better solution is needed. All 313 CRAN and Bioconductor packages that use data.table have been checked with this option on. 331 lines would need to be changed in 59 packages. Their usage is elegant, correct and recommended, though. Examples are `DT[1, encoding]` in quanteda and `DT[winner=="first", freq]` in xgboost. These are looking up the columns `encoding` and `freq` respectively and returning them as vectors. But if, for some reason, those columns are removed from `DT` but `encoding` or `freq` are still in calling scope, their values in calling scope would be returned. Which cannot be what was intended and could lead to silent bugs. That was the risk we are trying to avoid. <br>
`options('datatable.WhenJisSymbolThenCallingScope')` is now removed. A migration timeline is no longer needed. The new strategy needs no code changes and has no breakage. It was proposed and discussed in point 2 [here](, as follows.<br>
When `j` is a symbol (as in the quanteda and xgboost examples above) it will continue to be looked up as a column name and returned as a vector, as has always been the case. If it's not a column name however, it is now a helpful error explaining that data.table is different to data.frame and what to do instead (use `..` prefix or `with=FALSE`). The old behaviour of returning the symbol's value in calling scope can never have been useful to anybody and therefore not depended on. Just as the `DT[,1]` change could be made in v1.9.8, this change can be made now. This change increases robustness with no downside. Rerunning all 313 CRAN and Bioconductor package checks reveal 2 packages now throwing this error: partool and simcausal. Their maintainers have been informed that there is a likely bug on those lines due to data.table's (now remedied) weakness. This is exactly what we wanted to reveal and improve.
When `j` is a symbol (as in the quanteda and xgboost examples above) it will continue to be looked up as a column name and returned as a vector, as has always been the case. If it's not a column name however, it is now a helpful error explaining that data.table is different to data.frame and what to do instead (use `..` prefix or `with=FALSE`). The old behaviour of returning the symbol's value in calling scope can never have been useful to anybody and therefore not depended on. Just as the `DT[,1]` change could be made in v1.9.8, this change can be made now. This change increases robustness with no downside. Rerunning all 313 CRAN and Bioconductor package checks reveal 2 packages now throwing this error: partools and simcausal. Their maintainers have been informed that there is a likely bug on those lines due to data.table's (now remedied) weakness. This is exactly what we wanted to reveal and improve.

3. As before, and as we can see is in common use in CRAN and Bioconductor packages using data.table, `DT[,myCols,with=FALSE]` continues to lookup `myCols` in calling scope and take its value as column names or numbers. You can move to the new experimental convenience feature `DT[, ..myCols]` if you wish at leisure.

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