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Merge pull request #1667 from Rdatatable/groupingsets
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RC - Grouping Sets, rollup, cube. #1377
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mattdowle committed Aug 7, 2017
2 parents caea962 + 73c98fd commit 1bc0553
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,13 @@ export(fsetequal)
S3method(all.equal, data.table)
export(fsort) # experimental parallel sort for vector type double only, currently
# grouping sets
S3method(groupingsets, data.table)
S3method(cube, data.table)
S3method(rollup, data.table)

S3method("[", data.table)
S3method("[<-", data.table)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -115,6 +115,8 @@
[1] "B" "A"

3. Three new *Grouping Sets* functions: `rollup`, `cube` and `groupingsets`, [#1377]( Allows to aggregate data.table on various grouping levels at once producing sub-totals and grand total.


1. Some long-standing potential instability has been discovered and resolved many thanks to a detailed report from Bill Dunlap and Michael Sannella. At C level any call of the form `setAttrib(x, install(), allocVector())` can be unstable in any R package. Despite `setAttrib()` PROTECTing its inputs, the 3rd argument (`allocVector`) can be executed first only for its result to to be released by `install()`'s potential GC before reaching `setAttrib`'s PROTECTion of its inputs. Fixed by either PROTECTing or pre-`install()`ing. Added to CRAN_Release.cmd procedures: i) `grep`s to prevent usage of this idiom in future and ii) running data.table's test suite with `gctorture(TRUE)`.
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121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions R/groupingsets.R
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
rollup <- function(x, ...) {
} <- function(x, j, by, .SDcols, id = FALSE, ...) {
# input data type basic validation
if (!
stop("Argument 'x' must be data.table object")
if (!is.character(by))
stop("Argument 'by' must be character vector of column names used in grouping.")
if (!is.logical(id))
stop("Argument 'id' must be logical scalar.")
# generate grouping sets for rollup
sets = lapply(length(by):0, function(i) by[0:i])
# redirect to workhorse function
jj = substitute(j), by=by, sets=sets, .SDcols=.SDcols, id=id, jj=jj)

cube <- function(x, ...) {
} <- function(x, j, by, .SDcols, id = FALSE, ...) {
# input data type basic validation
if (!
stop("Argument 'x' must be data.table object")
if (!is.character(by))
stop("Argument 'by' must be character vector of column names used in grouping.")
if (!is.logical(id))
stop("Argument 'id' must be logical scalar.")
# generate grouping sets for cube - power set:
n = length(by)
keepBool = sapply(2L^(1:n - 1L), function(k) rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), each=k, times=(2L^n / (2L*k))))
sets = lapply((2L^n):1, function(j) by[keepBool[j, ]])
# redirect to workhorse function
jj = substitute(j), by=by, sets=sets, .SDcols=.SDcols, id=id, jj=jj)

groupingsets <- function(x, ...) {
} <- function(x, j, by, sets, .SDcols, id = FALSE, jj, ...) {
# input data type basic validation
if (!
stop("Argument 'x' must be data.table object")
if (ncol(x) < 1L)
stop("Argument 'x' is 0 column data.table, no measure to apply grouping over.")
if (length(names(x)) != uniqueN(names(x)))
stop("data.table must not contains duplicate column names.")
if (!is.character(by))
stop("Argument 'by' must be character vector of column names used in grouping.")
if (length(by) != uniqueN(by))
stop("Argument 'by' must have unique column names for grouping.")
if (!is.list(sets) || !all(sapply(sets, is.character)))
stop("Argument 'sets' must be a list of character vectors.")
if (!is.logical(id))
stop("Argument 'id' must be logical scalar.")
# logic constraints validation
if (!all(( <- unique(unlist(sets))) %chin% by))
stop(sprintf("All columns used in 'sets' argument must be in 'by' too. Columns used in 'sets' but not present in 'by': %s.", paste(setdiff(, by), collapse=", ")))
if (id && "grouping" %chin% names(x))
stop("When using `id=TRUE` the 'x' data.table must not have column named 'grouping'.")
if (!all(sapply(sets, function(x) length(x)==uniqueN(x))))
stop("Character vectors in 'sets' list must not have duplicated column names within single grouping set.")
if (!identical(lapply(sets, sort), unique(lapply(sets, sort))))
warning("Double counting is going to happen. Argument 'sets' should be unique without taking order into account, unless you really want double counting, then get used to that warning. Otherwise `sets=unique(lapply(sets, sort))` will do the trick.")
# input arguments handling
jj = if (!missing(jj)) jj else substitute(j)
av = all.vars(jj, TRUE)
if (":=" %chin% av)
stop("Expression passed to grouping sets function must not update by reference. Use ':=' on results of your grouping function.")
if (missing(.SDcols))
.SDcols = if (".SD" %chin% av) setdiff(names(x), by) else NULL
# 0 rows template data.table to keep colorder and type
if (length(by)) {
empty = if (length(.SDcols)) x[0L, eval(jj), by, .SDcols=.SDcols] else x[0L, eval(jj), by]
} else {
empty = if (length(.SDcols)) x[0L, eval(jj), .SDcols=.SDcols] else x[0L, eval(jj)]
if (! empty = setDT(list(empty)) # improve after #648, see comment in aggr.set
if (id && "grouping" %chin% names(empty)) # `j` could have been evaluated to `grouping` field
stop("When using `id=TRUE` the 'j' expression must not evaluate to column named 'grouping'.")
if (length(names(empty)) != uniqueN(names(empty)))
stop("There exists duplicated column names in the results, ensure the column passed/evaluated in `j` and those in `by` are not overlapping.")
# adding grouping column to template - aggregation level identifier
if (id) {
set(empty, j = "grouping", value = integer())
setcolorder(empty, c("grouping", by, setdiff(names(empty), c("grouping", by))))
# workaround for rbindlist fill=TRUE on integer64 #1459
int64.cols = vapply(empty, inherits, logical(1), "integer64")
int64.cols = names(int64.cols)[int64.cols]
if (length(int64.cols) && !requireNamespace("bit64", quietly=TRUE))
stop("Using integer64 class columns require to have 'bit64' package installed.") = intersect(int64.cols, by)
# aggregate function called for each grouping set
aggregate.set <- function(by.set) {
if (length(by.set)) {
r = if (length(.SDcols)) x[, eval(jj), by.set, .SDcols=.SDcols] else x[, eval(jj), by.set]
} else {
r = if (length(.SDcols)) x[, eval(jj), .SDcols=.SDcols] else x[, eval(jj)]
# workaround for grand total single var as data.table too, change to drop=FALSE after #648 solved
if (! r = setDT(list(r))
if (id) {
# integer bit mask of aggregation levels:
set(r, j = "grouping", value = strtoi(paste(c("1", "0")[by %chin% by.set + 1L], collapse=""), base=2L))
if (length( {
# workaround for rbindlist fill=TRUE on integer64 #1459 = setdiff(, by.set)
if (length( r[, ( := bit64::as.integer64(NA)]
# actually processing everything here
list(empty), # 0 rows template for colorder and type
lapply(sets, aggregate.set) # all aggregations
), use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)

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