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mattdowle committed Nov 8, 2022
1 parent a4c2b01 commit 3ba1c24
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Showing 4 changed files with 55 additions and 63 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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15. Thanks to @ssh352, Václav Tlapák, Cole Miller, András Svraka and Toby Dylan Hocking for reporting and bisecting a significant performance regression in dev. This was fixed before release thanks to a PR by Jan Gorecki, [#5463](

16. `` no longer creates `DT` in `.GlobalEnv` and gains `memtest=` for use on Linux to report which tests use the most memory.

# data.table [v1.14.4]( (17 Oct 2022)

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103 changes: 46 additions & 57 deletions R/
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@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@ = function(script="tests.Rraw", verbose=FALSE, pkg=".", silent=FALSE, showProgress=interactive()&&!silent) { = function(script="tests.Rraw", verbose=FALSE, pkg=".", silent=FALSE, showProgress=interactive()&&!silent,
memtest=Sys.getenv("TEST_DATA_TABLE_MEMTEST", 0)) {
stopifnot(isTRUEorFALSE(verbose), isTRUEorFALSE(silent), isTRUEorFALSE(showProgress))
memtest = as.integer(memtest)
stopifnot(length(memtest)==1L, memtest %in% 0:2)
if (exists("", .GlobalEnv, inherits=FALSE)) {
# package developer
# nocov start
dev = TRUE
if ("package:data.table" %chin% search()) stopf("data.table package is loaded. Unload or start a fresh R session.")
rootdir = if (pkg!="." && pkg %chin% dir()) file.path(getwd(), pkg) else Sys.getenv("PROJ_PATH")
subdir = file.path("inst","tests")
env = new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv) # in dev cc() sources all functions in .GlobalEnv
# nocov end
} else {
# i) R CMD check and ii) user running
dev = FALSE
rootdir = getNamespaceInfo("data.table","path")
subdir = "tests"
env = new.env(parent=parent.env(.GlobalEnv)) # when user runs we don't want their variables in .GlobalEnv affecting tests, #3705
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,14 +117,18 @@ = function(script="tests.Rraw", verbose=FALSE, pkg=".", silent=F
assign("whichfail", NULL, envir=env)
assign("", proc.time(), envir=env)
assign("lasttime", proc.time()[3L], envir=env) # used by test() to attribute time inbetween tests to the next test
assign("timings", data.table( ID = seq_len(9999L), time=0.0, nTest=0L ), envir=env) # test timings aggregated to integer id
assign("memtest", as.logical(Sys.getenv("TEST_DATA_TABLE_MEMTEST", "FALSE")), envir=env)
assign("timings", data.table( ID = seq_len(9999L), time=0.0, nTest=0L, RSS=0.0 ), envir=env) # test timings aggregated to integer id
assign("memtest", memtest, envir=env)
assign("filename", fn, envir=env)
assign("inittime", as.integer(Sys.time()), envir=env) # keep measures from various runs
assign("showProgress", showProgress, envir=env)

owd = setwd(tempdir()) # ensure writeable directory; e.g. tests that plot may write .pdf here depending on device option and/or batch mode; #5190

if (memtest) {
catf("\n***\n*** memtest=%d. This should be the first task in a fresh R session for best results. Ctrl-C now if not.\n***\n\n", memtest)
if ( stopf("memtest intended for Linux. Step through ps_mem() to see what went wrong.")

err = try(sys.source(fn, envir=env), silent=silent)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,42 +183,27 @@ = function(script="tests.Rraw", verbose=FALSE, pkg=".", silent=F

# There aren't any errors, so we can use up 11 lines for the timings table
timings = env$timings
DT = head(timings[-1L][order(-time)], 10L) # exclude id 1 as in dev that includes JIT
if ((x<-sum(timings[["nTest"]])) != ntest) {
warningf("Timings count mismatch: %d vs %d", x, ntest) # nocov
nTest = RSS = NULL # to avoid 'no visible binding' note
timings = env$timings[nTest>0]
if (!memtest) {
ans = head(timings[if (dev) -1L else TRUE][order(-time)], 10L)[,RSS:=NULL] # exclude id 1 in dev as that includes JIT
if ((x<-sum(timings[["nTest"]])) != ntest) {
warningf("Timings count mismatch: %d vs %d", x, ntest) # nocov
catf("10 longest running tests took %ds (%d%% of %ds)\n", as.integer(tt<-ans[, sum(time)]), as.integer(100*tt/(ss<-timings[,sum(time)])), as.integer(ss))
print(ans, class=FALSE)
} else {
y = head(order(-diff(timings$RSS)), 10L)
ans = timings[, diff:=c(NA,round(diff(RSS),1))][y+1L][,time:=NULL] # time is distracting and influenced by gc() calls; just focus on RAM usage here
catf("10 largest RAM increases (MB); see plot for cumulative effect (if any)\n")
print(ans, class=FALSE)
plot(timings$RSS, main=basename(fn), ylab="RSS (MB)")
catf("10 longest running tests took %ds (%d%% of %ds)\n", as.integer(tt<-DT[, sum(time)]), as.integer(100*tt/(ss<-timings[,sum(time)])), as.integer(ss))
print(DT, class=FALSE)

catf("All %d tests (last %.8g) in %s completed ok in %s\n", ntest, env$prevtest, names(fn), timetaken(env$

## this chunk requires to include new suggested deps: graphics, grDevices
#memtest.plot = function(.inittime) {
# if (!all(requireNamespace(c("graphics","grDevices"), quietly=TRUE))) return(invisible())
# inittime=PS_rss=GC_used=GC_max_used=NULL
# m = fread("memtest.csv")[inittime==.inittime]
# if (nrow(m)) {
# ps_na = allNA(m[["PS_rss"]]) # OS with no 'ps -o rss R' support
# grDevices::png("memtest.png")
# p = graphics::par(mfrow=c(if (ps_na) 2 else 3, 2))
# if (!ps_na) {
# m[, graphics::plot(test, PS_rss, pch=18, xlab="test num", ylab="mem MB", main="ps -o rss R")]
# m[, graphics::plot(timestamp, PS_rss, type="l", xlab="timestamp", ylab="mem MB", main="ps -o rss R")]
# }
# m[, graphics::plot(test, GC_used, pch=18, xlab="test num", ylab="mem MB", main="gc used")]
# m[, graphics::plot(timestamp, GC_used, type="l", xlab="timestamp", ylab="mem MB", main="gc used")]
# m[, graphics::plot(test, GC_max_used, pch=18, xlab="test num", ylab="mem MB", main="gc max used")]
# m[, graphics::plot(timestamp, GC_max_used, type="l", xlab="timestamp", ylab="mem MB", main="gc max used")]
# graphics::par(p)
# } else {
# warningf(" runs with memory testing but did not collect any memory statistics.")
# }
#if (memtest<-get("memtest", envir=env)) memtest.plot(get("inittime", envir=env))

ans = nfail==0L
attr(ans, "timings") = timings # as attr to not upset callers who expect a TRUE/FALSE result

# nocov start
Expand All @@ -235,17 +229,16 @@ INT = function(...) { as.integer(c(...)) } # utility used in tests.Rraw

ps_mem = function() {
# nocov start
cmd = sprintf("ps -o rss %s | tail -1", Sys.getpid())
ans = tryCatch(as.numeric(system(cmd, intern=TRUE, ignore.stderr=TRUE)), warning=function(w) NA_real_, error=function(e) NA_real_)
stopifnot(length(ans)==1L) # extra check if other OSes would not handle 'tail -1' properly for some reason
# returns RSS memory occupied by current R process in MB rounded to 1 decimal places (as in gc), ps already returns KB
c("PS_rss"=round(ans / 1024, 1L))
cmd = paste0("ps -o rss --no-headers ", Sys.getpid()) # ps returns KB
ans = tryCatch(as.numeric(system(cmd, intern=TRUE)), warning=function(w) NA_real_, error=function(e) NA_real_)
if (length(ans)!=1L || !is.numeric(ans)) ans=NA_real_ # just in case
round(ans / 1024, 1L) # return MB
# nocov end

gc_mem = function() {
# nocov start
# gc reported memory in MB
# gc reports memory in MB
m = apply(gc()[, c(2L, 4L, 6L)], 2L, sum)
names(m) = c("GC_used", "GC_gc_trigger", "GC_max_used")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,16 +271,19 @@ test = function(num,x,y=TRUE,error=NULL,warning=NULL,message=NULL,output=NULL,no
lasttime = get("lasttime", parent.frame())
timings = get("timings", parent.frame())
memtest = get("memtest", parent.frame())
inittime = get("inittime", parent.frame())
filename = get("filename", parent.frame())
foreign = get("foreign", parent.frame())
showProgress = get("showProgress", parent.frame())
time = nTest = NULL # to avoid 'no visible binding' note
time = nTest = RSS = NULL # to avoid 'no visible binding' note
if (num>0) on.exit( {
now = proc.time()[3L]
took = now-lasttime # so that prep time between tests is attributed to the following test
assign("lasttime", now, parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
timings[ as.integer(num), `:=`(time=time+took, nTest=nTest+1L), verbose=FALSE ]
took = proc.time()[3L]-lasttime # so that prep time between tests is attributed to the following test
timings[as.integer(num), `:=`(time=time+took, nTest=nTest+1L), verbose=FALSE]
if (memtest) {
if (memtest==1L) gc() # see #5515 for before/after
timings[as.integer(num), RSS:=max(ps_mem(),RSS), verbose=FALSE]
if (memtest==2L) gc()
assign("lasttime", proc.time()[3L], parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE) # after gc() to exclude gc() time from next test when memtest
} )
if (showProgress)
# \r can't be in gettextf msg
Expand All @@ -300,7 +296,7 @@ test = function(num,x,y=TRUE,error=NULL,warning=NULL,message=NULL,output=NULL,no
# not be flushed to the output upon segfault, depending on OS).
} else {
# not `` but developer running tests manually; i.e. `cc(F); test(...)`
memtest = FALSE # nocov
memtest = 0L # nocov
filename = NA_character_ # nocov
foreign = FALSE # nocov ; assumes users of 'cc(F); test(...)' has LANGUAGE=en
showProgress = FALSE # nocov
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,20 +326,13 @@ test = function(num,x,y=TRUE,error=NULL,warning=NULL,message=NULL,output=NULL,no
actual$message <<- c(actual$message, conditionMessage(m))
if (memtest) {
timestamp = as.numeric(Sys.time()) # nocov
if (is.null(output) && is.null(notOutput)) {
x = suppressMessages(withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(x, error=eHandler), warning=wHandler, message=mHandler))
# save the overhead of capture.output() since there are a lot of tests, often called in loops
# Thanks to tryCatch2 by Jan here :
} else {
out = capture.output(print(x <- suppressMessages(withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(x, error=eHandler), warning=wHandler, message=mHandler))))
if (memtest) {
mem = as.list(c(inittime=inittime, filename=basename(filename), timestamp=timestamp, test=num, ps_mem(), gc_mem())) # nocov
fwrite(mem, "memtest.csv", append=TRUE, verbose=FALSE) # nocov
fail = FALSE
if ( && num>0) {
if (num<prevtest+0.0000005) {
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9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions inst/tests/tests.Rraw
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ if (exists("", .GlobalEnv, inherits=FALSE)) {
if ((tt<-compiler::enableJIT(-1))>0)
cat("This is dev mode and JIT is enabled (level ", tt, ") so there will be a brief pause around the first test.\n", sep="")
DTfun = DT # just in dev-mode, DT() gets overwritten in .GlobalEnv by DT objects here in tests.Rraw; we restore DT() in test 2212
} else {
# Make symbols to the installed version's ::: so that we can i) test internal-only not-exposed R functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,7 +162,8 @@ base_messages = list(

test(1.1, tables(env=new.env()),, output = "No objects of class")
test(1.2, tables(silent=TRUE), data.table(NAME="timings", NROW=9999L, NCOL=3L, MB=0, COLS=list(c("ID","time","nTest")), KEY=list(NULL)))
test(1.2, tables(silent=TRUE)[,.(NAME,NROW,MB)], # memtest=TRUE adds some columns so exclude NCOL and COLS here
data.table(NAME="timings", NROW=9999L, MB=0))

TESTDT = data.table(a=as.integer(c(1,3,4,4,4,4,7)), b=as.integer(c(5,5,6,6,9,9,2)), v=1:7)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -15325,10 +15325,10 @@ test(2035.3, fread('A,B\n"foo","ba"r"', quote=""), ans)
# source() printing edge case; #2369
setup = c('DT = data.table(a = 1)')
writeLines(c(setup, 'DT[ , a := 1]'), tmp<-tempfile())
test(2036.1, !any(grepl("1: 1", capture.output(source(tmp, echo = TRUE)), fixed = TRUE)))
test(2036.1, !any(grepl("1: 1", capture.output(source(tmp, echo=TRUE, local=TRUE)), fixed=TRUE))) # local= #5514
## test force-printing still works
writeLines(c(setup, 'DT[ , a := 1][]'), tmp)
test(2036.2, source(tmp, echo = TRUE), output = "1:\\s+1")
test(2036.2, source(tmp, echo=TRUE, local=TRUE), output="1:\\s+1")

# more helpful guidance when assigning before setDT() after readRDS(); #1729
DT = data.table(a = 1:3)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -18317,7 +18317,6 @@ for (col in c("a","b","c")) {
# DT() functional form, #4872 #5106 #5107 #5129
if (base::getRversion() >= "4.1.0") {
# we have to EVAL "|>" here too otherwise this tests.Rraw file won't parse in R<4.1.0
if (exists("DTfun")) DT=DTfun # just in dev-mode restore DT() in .GlobalEnv as DT object overwrote it in tests above
droprn = function(df) { rownames(df)=NULL; df } # TODO: could retain rownames where droprn is currently used below
test(2212.011, EVAL("mtcars |> DT(mpg>20, .(mean_hp=round(mean(hp),2)), by=cyl)"),
data.frame(cyl=c(6,4), mean_hp=c(110.0, 82.64)))
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\usage{ = "tests.Rraw", verbose = FALSE, pkg = ".",
silent = FALSE,
showProgress = interactive() && !silent)
showProgress = interactive() && !silent,
memtest = Sys.getenv("TEST_DATA_TABLE_MEMTEST", 0))
\item{script}{ Run arbitrary R test script. }
\item{verbose}{ \code{TRUE} sets \code{options(datatable.verbose=TRUE)} for the duration of the tests. This tests there are no errors in the branches that produce the verbose output, and produces a lot of output. The output is normally used for tracing bugs or performance tuning. Tests which specifically test the verbose output is correct (typically looking for an expected substring) always run regardless of this option. }
\item{pkg}{ Root directory name under which all package content (ex: DESCRIPTION, src/, R/, inst/ etc..) resides. Used only in \emph{dev-mode}. }
\item{silent}{ Controls what happens if a test fails. Like \code{silent} in \code{\link{try}}, \code{TRUE} causes the error message to be suppressed and \code{FALSE} to be returned, otherwise the error is returned. }
\item{showProgress}{ Output 'Running test <n> ...\\r' at the start of each test? }
\item{memtest}{ Measure and report memory usage of tests (1:gc before ps, 2:gc after ps) rather than time taken (0) by default. Intended for and tested on Linux. See PR #5515 for more details. }
Runs a series of tests. These can be used to see features and examples of usage, too. Running will tell you the full location of the test file(s) to open.
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