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Martin Kruliš edited this page Jun 12, 2024 · 142 revisions

This change log tracks the releases on our pilot server. Since ReCodEx is composed of many components, we also provide a table of component versions that work together in stable releases.

Date web-app core-api worker broker monitor cleaner
12.6.2024 v2.11.1 v2.11.1 v1.8.0 v1.4.0 v1.1.1 v1.2.0
25.5.2024 v2.11.0 v2.11.0 v1.8.0 v1.4.0 v1.1.1 v1.2.0


  • Adding edit dialog for the description of reference solutions
  • Implementing alternative view of output (judge) logs (modal window)
  • Showing relative time always in numeric, avoiding misunderstandings with 'yesterday'
  • Better error reporting for external authentication failures
  • Fixing bugs and visibility issues related to ACLs.
  • Refactoring, removing obsolete things, performance optimizations
  • Adding PHP 8.3 to CI actions, upgrading CI to the latest LTS Ubuntu, fixing dependencies


  • Adding exam flags to groups and assignment
  • Implementing a secure mode for exams in groups (including user IP lock mode)
  • Improving security (logs, support for audits)

Older Versions