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1D plasma sheet model by John Dawson, implemented in Matlab.

Authors / Core Developers


/breakcold Wavebreaking in a cold plasma. Considers the electron sheet at the far left flowing to the right with constant velocity. This velocity is constantly fixed to be the same.

breakcold_aux.m - function will return results of the system for a given parameters including the sheet velocity

breakcold.m - uses the function in breakcold_aux.m to calculate the maximum value of the electric field, of the maximum velocity and number of collision and produce a plot.

/conservation Conservation of energy study for warm plasmas with a waterbag distribution.

conservation_aux.m - function will return error of energy of the system for a given parameters

conservation.m - uses the function in conservation_aux.m to obtain a plot for error of the energy

/drag Drag on a fast sheet. Conservation of energy study for warm plasmas with a waterbag distribution.

drag_aux.m - calculates results for a a system where the left particle as a given initial velocity.

drag.m - get plot of the sheet velocity with time for different initial velocities.

/thermalize Evolution of a waterbag towards a maxwellian.

thermalize.m - returns plot of velocity distribution for the initial and final time

/wakefield Shape of the electric field from an external driver.

/waterbag Generation of velocity distributions (waterbag and maxwellian).

/wavelength Get wavelength from phasespace of the wake of an external driver plasma sheet.


[1] J. Dawson, The Physics of Fluids 5, 445 (1962),, URL 1706638.