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Candace Makeda Moore, MD edited this page Oct 11, 2023 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the ReSurfEMG wiki!

ReSurfEMG is a Python library that aims to provide a tool for automated analysis of Respiratory Surface EMG. The library was started in March 2022, as a result of the collaboration between the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology group of the University of Twente and the Netherlands eScience Center, funded by the open eScience Call.

The library provides a clinical interface as well as a researcher interface, with multiple options for filtering of noise and ECG and analysis options. The library is intended to be the product of consensus in the clinical and research practice on how to analyze respiratory surface EMG.

If you have ideas or comments on the library you can open a ticket (an issue) or email us by contacting Dr. E. Mos-Oppersma (

If you want to use the library, but are just starting with code and may have to contact us for help, we recommend the stack of tools most of the team uses: Git for version control, Conda/Anaconda for package management and a common integrated development environment (IDE) e.g. VSCode. Of course you may be on a Linux using mamba already or have another setup, and that will be fine as well.


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