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Merge pull request #143 from ReactionMechanismGenerator/conformers
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A new way of thinking about conformers
  • Loading branch information
alongd committed Jul 25, 2019
2 parents b6eb262 + e2e3abd commit 8aa859b
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Showing 40 changed files with 10,036 additions and 950 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions
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import os
import logging

from arc.main import ARC, read_file
from arc.main import ARC
from arc.common import read_yaml_file


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,10 +49,11 @@ def parse_command_line_arguments(command_line_args=None):

def main():
"""The main ARC executable function"""
# Parse the command-line arguments (requires the argparse module)
args = parse_command_line_arguments()
input_file = args.file
input_dict = read_file(input_file)
input_dict = read_yaml_file(input_file)
project_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(args.file))
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions arc/
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class ConformerError(Exception):
An exception raised when generating conformers

class InputError(Exception):
An exception raised when parsing an input file for any module
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152 changes: 131 additions & 21 deletions arc/
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import shutil
import subprocess
import yaml
import numpy as np

from rmgpy.molecule.element import getElement
from rmgpy.qm.qmdata import QMData
from rmgpy.qm.symmetry import PointGroupCalculator

from arc.settings import arc_path, servers
from arc.arc_exceptions import InputError, SettingsError
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VERSION = '1.0.0'

def read_file(path):
Read the ARC YAML input file and return the parameters in a dictionary.
(str, unicode): The input file path.
dict: The input dictionary read from the file.
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise InputError('Could not find the input file {0}'.format(path))
with open(path, 'r') as f:
input_dict = yaml.load(stream=f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
return input_dict

def time_lapse(t0):
A helper function returning the elapsed time since t0.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,7 +82,7 @@ def check_ess_settings(ess_settings=None):
'strings. Got: {0} which is a {1}'.format(server_list, type(server_list)))
# run checks:
for ess, server_list in settings.items():
if ess.lower() not in ['gaussian', 'qchem', 'molpro', 'onedmin', 'orca']:
if ess.lower() not in ['gaussian', 'qchem', 'molpro', 'orca', 'terachem', 'onedmin', 'gromacs']:
raise SettingsError('Recognized ESS software are Gaussian, QChem, Molpro, Orca or OneDMin. '
'Got: {0}'.format(ess))
for server in server_list:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,14 +242,36 @@ def log_footer(execution_time, level=logging.INFO):
logger.log(level, 'ARC execution terminated on {0}'.format(time.asctime()))

def save_dict_file(path, restart_dict):
def read_yaml_file(path):
Read a YAML file (usually an input / restart file, but also conformers file)
and return the parameters as python variables.
path (str, unicode): The YAML file path to read.
dict, list: The content read from the file.
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise InputError('Could not find the YAML file {0}'.format(path))
with open(path, 'r') as f:
content = yaml.load(stream=f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
return content

def save_yaml_file(path, content):
Save an input / restart YAML file
Save a YAML file (usually an input / restart file, but also conformers file)
path (str, unicode): The YAML file path to save.
content (str, unicode): The content to save.
yaml.add_representer(str, string_representer)
yaml.add_representer(unicode, unicode_representer)
logger.debug('Creating a restart file...')
content = yaml.dump(data=restart_dict, encoding='utf-8', allow_unicode=True)
content = yaml.dump(data=content, encoding='utf-8', allow_unicode=True)
with open(path, 'w') as f:

Expand All @@ -278,3 +288,103 @@ def unicode_representer(dumper, data):
if len(data.splitlines()) > 1:
return yaml.ScalarNode(tag=',2002:str', value=data, style='|')
return yaml.ScalarNode(tag=',2002:str', value=data)

def get_ordinal_indicator(number):
Returns the ordinal indicator for an integer.
number (int): An integer for which the ordinal indicator will be determined.
str, unicode: The integer's ordinal indicator.
ordinal_dict = {1: 'st', 2: 'nd', 3: 'rd'}
if number > 13:
number %= 10
if number in ordinal_dict.keys():
return ordinal_dict[number]
return 'th'

# ATOM_RADII data taken from DOI: 10.1039/b801115j
ATOM_RADII = {'H': 0.31, 'He': 0.28,
'Li': 1.28, 'Be': 0.96, 'B': 0.84, 'C': 0.76, 'N': 0.71, 'O': 0.66, 'F': 0.57, 'Ne': 0.58,
'Na': 1.66, 'Mg': 1.41, 'Al': 1.21, 'Si': 1.11, 'P': 1.07, 'S': 1.05, 'Cl': 1.02, 'Ar': 1.06,
'K': 2.03, 'Ca': 1.76, 'Sc': 1.70, 'Ti': 1.60, 'V': 1.53, 'Cr': 1.39, 'Mn': 1.39, 'Fe': 1.32,
'Co': 1.26, 'Ni': 1.24, 'Cu': 1.32, 'Zn': 1.22, 'Ga': 1.22, 'Ge': 1.20, 'As': 1.19,
'Se': 1.20, 'Br': 1.20, 'Kr': 1.16, 'Rb': 2.20, 'Sr': 1.95, 'Y': 1.90, 'Zr': 1.75,
'Nb': 1.64, 'Mo': 1.54, 'Tc': 1.47, 'Ru': 1.46, 'Rh': 1.42, 'Pd': 1.39, 'Ag': 1.45,
'Cd': 1.44, 'In': 1.42, 'Sn': 1.39, 'Sb': 1.39, 'Te': 1.38, 'I': 1.39, 'Xe': 1.40,
'Cs': 2.44, 'Ba': 2.15, 'Pt': 1.36, 'Au': 1.36, 'Hg': 1.32, 'Tl': 1.45, 'Pb': 1.46,
'Bi': 1.48, 'Po': 1.40, 'At': 1.50, 'Rn': 1.50, 'Fr': 2.60, 'Ra': 2.21, 'U': 1.96}

def get_atom_radius(symbol):
Get the atom covalent radius in Angstroms, data in the ATOM_RADII dict.
(Change to QCElemental after transitioning to Py3)
symbol (str, unicode): The atomic symbol.
float: The atomic covalent radius (None if not found).
if not isinstance(symbol, (str, unicode)):
raise InputError('the symbol argument must be string, got {0} which is a {1}'.format(symbol, type(symbol)))

if symbol in ATOM_RADII:
return ATOM_RADII[symbol]
return None

def determine_symmetry(coords, symbols):
Determine external symmetry and chirality (optical isomers) of the species.
coords (list): The 3D coordinates of a molecule in array-format.
symbols (list): Entries are atomic symbols correcponding to coords.
int: The external symmetry number.
int: 1 if no chiral centers are present, 2 if chiral centers are present.
atom_numbers = list() # List of atomic numbers
for symbol in symbols:
coords = np.array(coords, np.float64) # N x 3 numpy.ndarray of atomic coordinates
# in the same order as `atom_numbers`
unique_id = '0' # Just some name that the SYMMETRY code gives to one of its jobs
scr_dir = os.path.join(arc_path, str('scratch')) # Scratch directory that the SYMMETRY code writes its files in
if not os.path.exists(scr_dir):
symmetry = optical_isomers = 1
qmdata = QMData(
groundStateDegeneracy=1, # Only needed to check if valid QMData
atomCoords=(coords, str('angstrom')),
energy=(0.0, str('kcal/mol')) # Only needed to avoid error
settings = type(str(''), (), dict(symmetryPath=str('symmetry'), scratchDirectory=scr_dir))()
pgc = PointGroupCalculator(settings, unique_id, qmdata)
pg = pgc.calculate()
if pg is not None:
symmetry = pg.symmetryNumber
optical_isomers = 2 if pg.chiral else optical_isomers
return symmetry, optical_isomers

def min_list(lst):
"""A helper function for finding the minimum of a list of integers where some of the entries might be None"""
if len(lst) == 0:
return None
elif len(lst) == 1:
return lst[0]
elif all([entry is None for entry in lst]):
return None
return min([entry for entry in lst if entry is not None])
66 changes: 52 additions & 14 deletions arc/
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import os
import time

from arc.common import read_file, get_git_commit, time_lapse, check_ess_settings
import arc.common as common
from arc.settings import arc_path, servers
from arc.arc_exceptions import InputError, SettingsError

Expand All @@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ class TestARC(unittest.TestCase):
Contains unit tests for ARC's common module

def test_read_file(self):
"""Test the read_file() function"""
def test_read_yaml_file(self):
"""Test the read_yaml_file() function"""
restart_path = os.path.join(arc_path, 'arc', 'testing', 'restart(H,H2O2,N2H3,CH3CO2).yml')
input_dict = read_file(restart_path)
input_dict = common.read_yaml_file(restart_path)
self.assertIsInstance(input_dict, dict)
self.assertTrue('reactions' in input_dict)
self.assertTrue('freq_level' in input_dict)
Expand All @@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ def test_read_file(self):
self.assertTrue('running_jobs' in input_dict)

with self.assertRaises(InputError):

def test_get_git_commit(self):
"""Test the get_git_commit() function"""
git_commit = get_git_commit()
git_commit = common.get_git_commit()
# output format: ['fafdb957049917ede565cebc58b29899f597fb5a', 'Fri Mar 29 11:09:50 2019 -0400']
self.assertEqual(len(git_commit[0]), 40)
self.assertEqual(len(git_commit[1].split()), 6)
Expand All @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def test_time_lapse(self):
"""Test the time_lapse() function"""
t0 = time.time()
lap = time_lapse(t0)
lap = common.time_lapse(t0)
self.assertEqual(lap, '00:00:02')

def test_check_ess_settings(self):
Expand All @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ def test_check_ess_settings(self):
ess_settings4 = {'gaussian': server_names[0], 'molpro': server_names[1], 'qchem': server_names[0]}
ess_settings5 = {'gaussian': 'local', 'molpro': server_names[1], 'qchem': server_names[0]}

ess_settings1 = check_ess_settings(ess_settings1)
ess_settings2 = check_ess_settings(ess_settings2)
ess_settings3 = check_ess_settings(ess_settings3)
ess_settings4 = check_ess_settings(ess_settings4)
ess_settings5 = check_ess_settings(ess_settings5)
ess_settings1 = common.check_ess_settings(ess_settings1)
ess_settings2 = common.check_ess_settings(ess_settings2)
ess_settings3 = common.check_ess_settings(ess_settings3)
ess_settings4 = common.check_ess_settings(ess_settings4)
ess_settings5 = common.check_ess_settings(ess_settings5)

ess_list = [ess_settings1, ess_settings2, ess_settings3, ess_settings4, ess_settings5]

Expand All @@ -76,10 +76,48 @@ def test_check_ess_settings(self):

with self.assertRaises(SettingsError):
ess_settings6 = {'nosoft': ['server1']}
with self.assertRaises(SettingsError):
ess_settings7 = {'gaussian': ['noserver']}

def test_min_list(self):
"""Test the min_list() function"""
lst = []
min_lst = common.min_list(lst)
self.assertEqual(min_lst, None)

lst = [None]
min_lst = common.min_list(lst)
self.assertEqual(min_lst, None)

lst = [None, None]
min_lst = common.min_list(lst)
self.assertEqual(min_lst, None)

lst = [0]
min_lst = common.min_list(lst)
self.assertEqual(min_lst, 0)

lst = [-8]
min_lst = common.min_list(lst)
self.assertEqual(min_lst, -8)

lst = [-8, -80]
min_lst = common.min_list(lst)
self.assertEqual(min_lst, -80)

lst = [-8, None]
min_lst = common.min_list(lst)
self.assertEqual(min_lst, -8)

lst = [-8, -8, -8, -8]
min_lst = common.min_list(lst)
self.assertEqual(min_lst, -8)

lst = [-8, None, None, 100, -79, None]
min_lst = common.min_list(lst)
self.assertEqual(min_lst, -79)


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