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mpodwysocki authored and trxcllnt committed Sep 1, 2020
1 parent 11c2037 commit e8dfa97
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Showing 2 changed files with 121 additions and 45 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions docs/asynciterable/
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Convered in this section are the following:
- Creating a sequence from an `Observable`
- Creating a sequence from a DOM Stream
- Creating a sequence from a Node Stream
- Operators in this category

## Creating a sequence from an existing sequence such as `Set`, `Map`, `Generator` and `AsyncGenerator`.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,3 +44,13 @@ const result5 = from([1, 2, 3], x => x * x);
// From Array-like projecting the index
const result6 = from({ length: 3}, (x, i) => i);

## Operators in this category

There are a number of creation methods in this category:
- `as` - Convert an existing structure such as one that implements the `[Symbol.iterator]` or `[Symbol.asyncIterator]` methods to an AsyncIterable.
- `from` - Convert an existing structure such as one that implements the `[Symbol.iterator]` or `[Symbol.asyncIterator]` methods, or an array-like structure to an AsyncIterable with an optional projection.
- `fromDOMStream`
- `fromEvent`
- `fromEventPattern`
- `fromNodeStream`
155 changes: 110 additions & 45 deletions docs/asynciterable/
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
# Creating AsyncIterables using IxJS

Using IxJS, you can create AsyncIterables a number of ways, either converting existing structures such as `Map`, `Set`, `Array`, `Generator`, `AsyncGenerator` or even `Observable`, or by using some of the factory methods provided with IxJS.
Using IxJS, you can create AsyncIterables a number of ways by using some of the factory methods provided with IxJS.

Convered in this section are the following:
- Understanding Async-Iterables
- Brief Interlude - `AsyncSink`
- Creating a sequence with `create`
- Creating a sequence from values with `of`
- Creating a sequence from an existing sequence such as `Set`, `Map` and `Generator`
- Creating a sequence from a range
- Creating empty or never yielding sequences with `empty` and `never`
- Creating a sequence from a range with `range`
- Creating a sequence from a loop with `generate` and `generateTime`
- Creating a sequence at a specified interval with `interval`
- Operators in this category

## Understanding Async-Iterables
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,56 +113,119 @@ for await (const item of source) {

## Creating a sequence from an existing sequence such as `Set`, `Map`, `Generator` and `AsyncGenerator`.
## Creating empty or never yielding sequences with `empty` and `never`

Very often we have an existing data structure that we wish to convert to an async-iterable. To support this, we have the `from` and `as` methods. These methods allows us to convert any structure that implements the `[Symbol.iterator]` method such as `Map`, `Set`, `Array`, and `Generator`, as well as anything that implements the `[Symbol.asyncIterator]` method such as an `AsyncGenerator`.
There may be cases when you want to return an empty sequence, when iterated will always say it is complete. For that, we have the `empty` method.

The `as` method converts directly to an async-iterable, whereas with `from` method allows us to modify the collection as it is created, mimicking the the [`Array.from`]( method.
import { empty } from 'ix/asynciterable';

const source = empty();

const it = source[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
const { value, done } =;
// { done: true }

There may also be cases where you never want the sequence to return. In the case of `never`, it can be used in places like `race` where the other sequence will always win.

import { never, of, race } from 'ix/asynciterable';

const source = race(of(1), never());

const it = source[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
let value, done;

{ value, done } = await;
// { done: false, value: 1 }
{ value, done } = await;
// { done: true }

## Creating a sequence from a range with `range`

Another way we can create async-iterable sequences is with a range. For example, if we want 10 numbers starting at 1, we can use the `range` factory method to call `range(1, 10)`.

import { range } from 'ix/asynciterable';

const source = range(1, 10);

for await (const item of source) {
console.log(`Next: ${item}`);

## Creating a sequence from a loop with `generate` and `generateTime`

We can also create a sequence as if it were inside a for-loop using `generate` and `generateTime`. This operator acts exactly like a for loop where we have some initial state, a condition for termination, an increment, and a result selector.

import { as, from } from 'ix/asynciterable';

// As with Array and Set
const result1 = as([1, 2, 3]); // From array
const result2 = as(new Set([1, 2, 3])); // From Set

// As with generator
const source3 = function* () {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3;
const result3 = as(source3());

// As with async-generator
const source4 = async function* () {
yield Promise.resolve(1);
yield Promise.resolve(2);
yield Promise.resolve(3);
const result4 = as(source4());

// From with Array, modifying each value
const result5 = from([1, 2, 3], x => x * x);

// From Array-like projecting the index
const result6 = from({ length: 3}, (x, i) => i);
for (
let i = 0, // Initial State
i < 10, // condition
i++ // increment
) {
// Result selector
## Creating a sequence from a range
The `generate` method has the same parameters as this for loop, as in our example here.
import { generate } from 'ix/asynciterable';

const source = generate(
0, // Initial State
i => i < 10, // Condition
i => i + 1, // Iterate
i => i // Result selector

for await (const item of source) {
console.log(`Next: ${item}`);
In addition to the `generate` method, we have the `generateTime` which adds a time element to the sequence to delay in milliseconds between results.
import { generate } from 'ix/asynciterable';

const source = generate(
0, // Initial State
i => i < 10, // Condition
i => i + 1, // Iterate
i => i // Result selector
i => i * 1000 // Time selector in ms

for await (const item of source) {
console.log(`Next: ${item}`);
## Creating a sequence at a specified interval with `interval`
There are many factory functions that carry over from RxJS over to IxJS including `interval` where we can yield a value at a specified interval. For example, we can loop through a sequence, yielding a value every 1 second.
import { interval } from 'ix/asynciterable';

const source = interval(1000 /* ms */);

for await (const item of source) {
console.log(`Next: ${item}`); // Yields an item every second.
## Operators in this category
There are a number of creation methods in this category:
- `as` - Convert an existing structure such as one that implements the `[Symbol.iterator]` or `[Symbol.asyncIterator]` methods to an AsyncIterable.
- `create` - Creates an AsyncIterable from the `[Symbol.asyncIterator]` method implementation.
- `from` - Convert an existing structure such as one that implements the `[Symbol.iterator]` or `[Symbol.asyncIterator]` methods, or an array-like structure to an AsyncIterable with an optional projection.
- `generate`
- `generateTime`
- `empty`
- `fromDOMStream`
- `fromEvent`
- `fromEventPattern`
- `fromNodeStream`
- `interval`
- `never`
- `generate` - Generates a sequence based upon a for loop construct.
- `generateTime` - Generates a sequence based upon a for loop with a time projection.
- `empty` - Creates an empty sequence which returns an iterator result that is always done.
- `interval`- Creates a sequence which produces a value at the specified interval.
- `never` - Creates a sequence that never yields a value.

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