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matiboy committed Jan 8, 2023
2 parents a10cc1c + 4e56819 commit 616a233
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Showing 5 changed files with 508 additions and 49 deletions.
22 changes: 12 additions & 10 deletions docs/operators.rst
Expand Up @@ -26,16 +26,18 @@ Operator Description
Transforming Observables

================================================ ================================================
Operator Description
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:func:`buffer <reactivex.operators.buffer>` Periodically gather items from an Observable into bundles and emit these bundles rather than emitting the items one at a time.
:func:`flat_map <reactivex.operators.flat_map>` Transform the items emitted by an Observable into Observables, then flatten the emissions from those into a single Observable.
:func:`group_by <reactivex.operators.group_by>` Divide an Observable into a set of Observables that each emit a different group of items from the original Observable, organized by key.
:func:`map <>` Transform the items emitted by an Observable by applying a function to each item.
:func:`scan <reactivex.operators.scan>` Apply a function to each item emitted by an Observable, sequentially, and emit each successive value.
:func:`window <reactivex.operators.window>` Periodically subdivide items from an Observable into Observable windows and emit these windows rather than emitting the items one at a time.
================================================ ================================================
================================================ ================================================
Operator Description
================================================ ================================================
:func:`buffer <reactivex.operators.buffer>` Periodically gather items from an Observable into bundles and emit these bundles rather than emitting the items one at a time.
:func:`flat_map <reactivex.operators.flat_map>` Transform the items emitted by an Observable into Observables, then flatten the emissions from those into a single Observable.
:func:`concat_map <reactivex.operators.concat_map>` Projects each source value to an Observable which is merged in the output Observable, in a serialized fashion waiting for each one to complete before merging the next.
:func:`switch_map <reactivex.operators.switch_map>` Projects each source value to an Observable which is merged in the output Observable, emitting values only from the most recently projected Observable.
:func:`group_by <reactivex.operators.group_by>` Divide an Observable into a set of Observables that each emit a different group of items from the original Observable, organized by key.
:func:`map <>` Transform the items emitted by an Observable by applying a function to each item.
:func:`scan <reactivex.operators.scan>` Apply a function to each item emitted by an Observable, sequentially, and emit each successive value.
:func:`window <reactivex.operators.window>` Periodically subdivide items from an Observable into Observable windows and emit these windows rather than emitting the items one at a time.
================================================ ================================================

Filtering Observables
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85 changes: 46 additions & 39 deletions docs/testing.rst
Expand Up @@ -16,18 +16,13 @@ Basic example
from reactivex.testing import ReactiveTest, TestScheduler
from reactivex import operators
# setting up aliases for more concise code
on_next = ReactiveTest.on_next
on_error = ReactiveTest.on_error
on_completed = ReactiveTest.on_completed
def test_double():
# Create a scheduler
scheduler = TestScheduler()
# Define one or more source
source = scheduler.create_hot_observable(
on_next(250, 3),
on_next(350, 5),
ReactiveTest.on_next(250, 3),
ReactiveTest.on_next(350, 5),
# Define how the observable/operator is used on the source
Expand All @@ -39,8 +34,8 @@ Basic example
# check the messages and potentially subscriptions
assert results.messages == [
on_next(250, 6),
on_next(350, 10),
ReactiveTest.on_next(250, 6),
ReactiveTest.on_next(350, 10),
Expand All @@ -53,6 +48,10 @@ or with full control, you can easily test various situations and combinations
.. _in_sequence_or_throw:

.. code:: python
# setting up aliases for more concise code
on_next = ReactiveTest.on_next
on_error = ReactiveTest.on_error
on_completed = ReactiveTest.on_completed
def test_operator():
# Code to test; takes a sequence of integers and passes through,
Expand All @@ -72,9 +71,8 @@ or with full control, you can easily test various situations and combinations
source = scheduler.create_cold_observable(
on_next(300, 1), on_next(400, 2), on_next(500, 3), on_completed(600)
# Here is another way to create the same observable,
# as long as we set the correct scheduler
source = reactivex.from_marbles('------1-2-3-|', timespan=50, scheduler=scheduler)
# Here is another way to create the same observable
source = reactivex.from_marbles('------1-2-3-|', timespan=50)
# You can shorten the "create" function from the basic example to a lambda with no arguments
result = scheduler.start(lambda: source.pipe(
Expand All @@ -91,20 +89,20 @@ Timeline

When ``scheduler.start`` is called, the test scheduler starts moving its virtual clock forward.
Some important timestamps are however hidden as defaults, as listed below.
These values can be modified using kwargs in the ``scheduler.start(...)`` call:
These values can be modified using `kwargs` in the ``scheduler.start(...)`` call:

1. ``created`` [100]: When is the observable created.
That is when the ``create`` function seen in the basic example.
That is when the ``create`` function seen in the basic example is called.
2. ``subscribed`` [200]: When does the subscription occur.
This explains the above emission timestamps:
consider the first emission @500; given that we are using a cold observable,
and subscribe to it at 200, the "source"'s timeline starts at 200 and only 300 ticks later, it emits.
and subscribe to it at 200, the `source`'s timeline starts at 200 and only 300 ticks later, it emits.
3. ``disposed`` [1000]: When the subscription is disposed

Keep the following in mind when modifying these values:
Gotchas when modifying these values:

1. Do not use `0` as values since the code ignores that
2. If you change ``subscribed`` to be lower than 100, you need to change ``created`` as well
1. Do not use `0` as values for created/subscribed since the code would ignore it.
2. If you change ``subscribed`` to be lower than 100, you need to change ``created`` as well,
otherwise nothing will happen.

An alternative using marbles
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,13 +132,17 @@ There is a simplified flow available in `reactivex.testing.marbles` and here's a
assert results == outcome
This method makes for very quick to write, and easy to read, tests.
At this moment however, it does not allow for testing subscriptions.

Testing an observable factory

An observable created from `Observable(subscribe)` can be just as easily tested.
Let's use this example to additionally test a Disposable case.
An observable created directly from :class:`Observable <reactivex.Observable>`
can be just as easily tested.

In this example, we will additionally test a case where a
:class:`Disposable <reactivex.Disposable>` is used.

.. code:: python
Expand All @@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ Let's use this example to additionally test a Disposable case.
on_next(220, 0),
assert a == 43
assert a == 43 # shows that our Disposable's action was as expected
Testing errors
Expand All @@ -188,20 +190,20 @@ Let's remedy that below.
# At times it's better not to test the exact exception,
# maybe its message changes with time or other reasons
# We can test a specific notification's details as follows:
message, err = result.messages
assert message.time == 130
assert err.time == 230
assert message.value.kind == 'N' # Notification
assert err.value.kind == 'E' # E for errors
assert message.value.value == 1
assert type(err.value.exception) == ValueError # look at .exception for errors
first_notification, error_notification = result.messages
assert first_notification.time == 130
assert error_notification.time == 230
assert first_notification.value.kind == 'N' # Notification
assert error_notification.value.kind == 'E' # E for errors
assert first_notification.value.value == 1
assert type(error_notification.value.exception) == ValueError # look at .exception for errors
Testing subscriptions, multiple observables, hot observables

``scheduler.start`` only allows for a single subscription.
Some cases like e.g. `operators.partition` require more.
Some cases like e.g. ``operators.partition`` require more.
The examples below showcase some less commonly needed testing tools.

.. code:: python
Expand All @@ -218,7 +220,9 @@ The examples below showcase some less commonly needed testing tools.
# Note! Since it's not "start" which creates the subscription, they actually occur at t=0
# Note! Since the subscription is not created within
# `scheduler.start` below, the usual `subscribed` delay of t=200
# is not in effect. The subscriptions therefore occur at t=0
assert steven.messages == [
Expand All @@ -242,20 +246,23 @@ The examples below showcase some less commonly needed testing tools.
shared = source.pipe(
"""first sub"""
# Creating our story:
# first sub is set to occur at t=200; this creates a sub on source
scheduler.schedule_relative(200, lambda *_: subs.append(shared.subscribe(scheduler=scheduler)))
# second sub, should not sub to source itself
# second sub does not create a new sub on source, due to the `share` operator
scheduler.schedule_relative(300, lambda *_: subs.append(shared.subscribe(scheduler=scheduler)))
# second sub ends
scheduler.schedule_relative(500, lambda *_: subs[1].dispose())
# first sub ends… and since there is no sub remaining, the only sub on source should be disposed too
scheduler.schedule_relative(600, lambda *_: subs[0].dispose())
"""end first sub"""
# no existing sub should sub again onto source - we never dispose of it
# no existing sub on source, therefore this will create a new one
# we never dispose of it; we will test that infinite sub in the assertions
scheduler.schedule_relative(900, lambda *_: subs.append(shared.subscribe(scheduler=scheduler)))
# Check that the submissions on the source are as expected
assert source.subscriptions == [
Subscription(200, 600),
Subscription(200, 600), # only one sub from 200 to 600
Subscription(900), # represents an infinite subscription
Expand All @@ -279,9 +286,9 @@ The examples below showcase some less commonly needed testing tools.
# the subscription starts at 200;
# since `source` is a hot observable, the notification @190 will not be caught
# the next notification is at 300 ticks,
# which, on our subscription, will show at 100 ticks (300-200 from subscribed)
# or 5 "-" each representing 20 ticks (timespan=20 in to_marbles)
# then the 42 is received
# and then nothing for another 200 ticks, so 10 "-" before complete
# which, on our subscription, will show at 100 ticks (300-200 from subscription delay)
# or 5 "-" each representing 20 ticks (timespan=20 in `to_marbles`).
# Then the "42" notification is received
# and then nothing for another 200 ticks, which is equal to 10 "-", before complete
assert message.value.value == '-----(42)----------|'
80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions reactivex/operators/
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
from reactivex.internal.basic import identity
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3362,6 +3363,85 @@ def switch_latest() -> Callable[
return switch_latest_()

def switch_map(
project: Optional[Mapper[_T1, Observable[_T2]]] = None
) -> Callable[[Observable[_T1]], Observable[_T2]]:
"""Projects each source value to an Observable which is merged in
the output Observable, emitting values only from the most recently
projected Observable.
.. marble::
:alt: switch_map
[ switch_map(x: x---x---x|) ]
>>> op = switch_map(lambda x: reactivex.timer(1.0).pipe(map(lambda x: x)))
>>> op = switch_map()
project: Projecting function which takes the outer observable value
and the emission index and emits the inner observable; defaults to `identity`
An operator function that maps each value to the inner observable
and emits its values in order, emitting values only from the
most recently projected Observable.
If an inner observable complete, the resulting sequence does *not*
If an inner observable errors, the resulting sequence errors as well.
If the outer observable completes/errors, the resulting sequence

return compose(map(project), switch_latest())

def switch_map_indexed(
project: Optional[MapperIndexed[_T1, Observable[_T2]]] = None
) -> Callable[[Observable[_T1]], Observable[_T2]]:
"""Projects each source value to an Observable which is merged in
the output Observable, emitting values only from the most recently
projected Observable.
.. marble::
:alt: switch_map
[ switch_map_indexed(x,i: x*i---x*i---x*i|) ]
>>> op = switch_map_indexed(lambda x, i: reactivex.timer(1.0).pipe(map(x*i)))
project: Projecting function which takes the outer observable value
and the emission index and emits the inner observable
An operator function that maps each value to the inner observable
and emits its values in order, emitting values only from the
most recently projected Observable.
If an inner observable complete, the resulting sequence does *not*
If an inner observable errors, the resulting sequence errors as well.
If the outer observable completes/errors, the resulting sequence

return compose(map_indexed(project), switch_latest())

def take(count: int) -> Callable[[Observable[_T]], Observable[_T]]:
"""Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start
of an observable sequence.
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