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Gradle CI Conventions Plugin

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ReadyTalk's set of opinionated conventions in plugin form for internal and external Gradle projects.


Establish common conventions (particularly around continuous integration) for Gradle projects. Inspired by and partially based on the nebula project plugin from Netflix.

  • Add CI lifecycle task to provide a single entry point for CI systems
  • Abstract over different publishing mechanisms to provide a single publish and install lifecycle tasks
  • Collect and bake in build metadata into artifacts from git and CI systems
  • Apply generic project conventions, such as creating an integTest task and source set


See the ReadyTalk CI Plugin page on the Gradle Plugin Portal for more information on the latest published verison of the plugin and alternative methods to apply the plugin for older Gradle versions.

The functionality the CI plugin provides depends on the other plugins you apply to the project. The CI plugin will detect the other plugins and configure them appropriately.

The most basic application of the CI plugin will get you the basic lifecycle tasks and also apply the 'base' Gradle plugin:

plugins {
  id '' version '1.0.0'

For a basic java project published to an Artifactory repository Maven-style (with a pom.xml) and SNAPSHOT versioning you will want something like this (recommended for libraries and Gradle plugins):

plugins {
  id 'java'
  id 'maven-publish'
  id '' version '1.0.0'
  id 'com.jfrog.artifactory' version '3.1.1'

apply plugin: ''

publishing {
  publications {
    maven(MavenPublication) {

For a basic java project plublished to Artifactory Ivy-style (with an ivy.xml) and buildnumber versioning, something like the following will be more your speed (recommended for services and applications delivered as part of a continuous delivery pipeline):

plugins {
  id 'java'
  id 'ivy-publish'
  id '' version '1.0.0'
  id 'com.jfrog.artifactory' version '3.1.2'

apply plugin: ''

publishing {
  publications {
    ivy(IvyPublication) {


The ReadyTalk CI Plugin provides a few top-level "lifecycle" Gradle tasks.

  • ci lifecycle task is the standard entry point for CI systems
    • Default to running the build command plus integTest, and default tasks
  • publish lifecycle is standard publish task aggregator
    • Automatically depends on artifactoryPublish, bintrayUpload, or publishPlugins depending on what plugins are applied.
    • Supports the ivy-publish, maven-publish, and plugin-publish plugins
  • install will publish artifact to local filesystem if applicable
    • Projects using maven-publish will hook Gradle's built-in task
    • Ivy projects will look for a 'local' ivy repo to publish to
  • integTest is a Test task and will run any integration tests placed in the integTest sourceset (src/integTest).


The ReadyTalk CI plugin provides the following conventions:

  • Auto-wire jacoco reporting into check phase
  • ci task auto-depends on publish if building master, a release branch (i.e. release_1.2.3), or a release tag (i.e. v1.2.3) on a CI server.
    • Supports Travis CI and Jenkins
  • Artifactory Plugin automatically includes publications by default
  • Build metadata placed in ivy description section
    • Also in jar manifests via the plugin
  • Build metadata mapped from buildEnv extension object
    • Pre-populated with various default values from the environment
    • Can map arbitrary values (expando object)

Optional Versioning Plugins

There are two versioning convention plugins provided with the ReadyTalk CI plugin, but they need to be applied separately. For both of these plugins, it is reccommended the version be stored in - if you need to set it later after plugins are applied, set buildEnv.baseVersion instead.

The version string is updated immediately on plugin application or when setting buildEnv.baseVersion, so it should be consistent throughout the rest of the build.

Snapshot version plugin

This plugin provides a Maven-style versioning conventions where '-SNAPSHOT' is appended to pre-release development build versions. With this plugin, you only need to store the version of the next intened release in the codebase.

To apply the Snapshot Version Plugin, make sure the CI plugin is already on the classpath (using either the "classic" way or the new plugins{} closure and add:

apply plugin: ''

Buildnumber version plugin

This plugin is intended to be used for projects using a continuous delivery pipeline with multiple test and deployment stages. The build number from the CI server is appended to the version string to each instance of the pipeline to use its own artifacts.

To apply the BuildNumber Version Plugin, make sure the CI plugin is already on the classpath (using either the "classic" way or the new plugins{} closure and add:

apply plugin: ''


  • Requires Gradle 2.1 or later
  • Requires Java 7 as of 1.x
  • Build metadata based on and gradle-extended-info plugins Enhanced with additional metadata from buildEnv Additional metadata injected for Jenkins and TravisCI

Future work

  • Consider integrating with release plugins
  • Move more conventions into plugin
  • Better integration tests for different types of projects
  • Example projects