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Real-RP edited this page Jul 27, 2019 · 3 revisions

--the functions below can help you while writing a text. --paste this below at the absolute top of your code:

local _break = "<br>"

local linestrike = "<hr>"

function color(color, text) return "<font color="..color..">"..text.."</font>" end

function underlined(text) return "<u>"..text.."</u>" end

function bold(text) return "<strong>"..text.."</strong>" end

function small(text) return "<small>"..text.."</small>" end

function strikethrough(text) return "<del>"..text.."</del>" end

function italic(text) return "<i>"..text.."</i>" end

function big(text) return "<big>"..text.."</big>" end

RegisterCommand("sendtestmsg", function(source, args, rawCommand)

TriggerEvent("hb_notifications:display", "top-right", color('#2fe80e', underlined("author:")).." "..big("Peter ").."likes his "..bold("chocolate Ice")..",".._break.."but if he "..strikethrough("drinks ").."thinks to "..italic("long").." about it, it will "..small("melt"), "blue", 14000, true) --position, text, color, time(milliseconds), notifications sound


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