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Yanda Huang edited this page May 7, 2018 · 2 revisions

General Guide on using Cabot


  1. Create a catkin workspace somewhere
  2. clone some of our repositories here to the /src folder except the archived ones
  3. In the root of your workspace, run rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
  4. Configure Lidar according to the Wiki here
  5. Configure Kinect package according to README here
  6. Configure Arduino package according to README here
  7. Configure GUI: cd into src/awesome_gui and then follow the README here
  8. To eliminate build errors, get catkin tools
  9. Just compile everything: catkin build


  • roslaunch localizer move_base.launch to launch all the nodes
  • roslaunch localizer simply_rviz.launch to see rviz
    • Optionally, you can see rviz remotely by following this README
  • To see how to use the web-based GUI, refer to the README here
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