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📗 Ft_Printf

My own version of printf

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NOTE: This is only a partial implementation of printf as it does accomdate formatting flags

  • ft_printf is a flexible, easy-to-use C library for formatted output to various output streams. The library aims to provide an alternative and customizable implementation of the widely-used printf.
  • ft_printf does not use a buffer like the original.
  • It handles write() errors.
  • All functions have doxygen comments.

It handles the following cases:

  1. %s - Prints a string: The corresponding argument should be a pointer to a null-terminated character array.
    Example: ft_printf("Hello, %s!\n", "world");

  2. %c - Prints a char: The corresponding argument should be a character value.
    Example: ft_printf("The letter is: %c\n", 'A');

  3. %p - The void * pointer argument is printed in hexadecimal: The corresponding argument should be a pointer value.
    Example: ft_printf("Pointer address: %p\n", &variable);

  4. %d - Print a decimal (base 10) number: The corresponding argument should be an integer value.
    Example: ft_printf("The number is: %d\n", 42);

  5. %i - Prints an int (base 10): The corresponding argument should be an integer value.
    Example: ft_printf("The integer is: %i\n", 42);

  6. %u - Print an unsigned decimal (base 10) number: The corresponding argument should be an unsigned integer value.
    Example: ft_printf("The unsigned number is: %u\n", 42);

  7. %x - Prints hexadecimal, base 16 (lowercase): The corresponding argument should be an integer value.
    Example: ft_printf("The hexadecimal number (lowercase) is: %x\n", 42);

  8. %X - Prints hexadecimal, base 16 (uppercase): The corresponding argument should be an integer value.
    Example: ft_printf("The hexadecimal number (uppercase) is: %X\n", 42);

  9. %% - Prints a %: To include a literal '%' character in your output, use the '%%' format specifier.
    Example: ft_printf("Percentage: 50%%\n");


  1. Clone the repository.
% git clone ft_printf
  1. Enter the directory and build the library.
% cd ft_printf
% make all
  1. Clean object files
% make clean


An example on how to use the library:
File: main.c

#include "ft_printf.h"

int main(void) {
    int value = 42;
    char str[] = "Hello, World!";

    ft_printf("Integer value: %d\n", value);
    ft_printf("String value: %s\n", str);

    return (0);

Compiling and executing:

% cc -Wall -Werror -Wextra main.c libftprintf.a
% ./a.out




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