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Dependency free library for mouse position based hover transform effects.


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Position Based Transform

Dependency free library for CSS transform effects based on mouse position.

Demos & Documentation


Options & Targeting Demo

Documentation site coming soon. For now refer to the Documentation section below.

Getting Started

Currently the only way to use Position Based Transform is to manually download and link positionBasedTransform.min.js in your HTML

	<!-- Your HTML body stuff goes here --->
	<script src="./positionBasedTransform.min.js"></script>	
	<!-- Link your JavaScript file that uses sliceRevealer here --->

How to use

For a basic example head over to this CodePen

Basic Initialization/Usage

Create a DOM element and make it targetable by giving it a class or id.

<div id="pbt-target"></div>

Then in your javascript file target the DOM element and create an options object. Pass both into pbTransform()

const target = document.getElementById("pbt-target");
const options = {
	// Options go here... for example a translate!
	translate: 50
pBTransform(target, options);

And that's it! For more in-depth information on customizing your Position Based Transform refer to the options section below.



For a quick demo on intializing, targeting, and setting options head to this CodePen

Creating an instance

All PBTransform() instances are created through the pBTransform() function which takes two arguments.

const target = document.getElementById('pbt-target');
pBTransform(transformTarget, options);

pBTransform(transformTarget, option)

Creates and returns an instance of PBTransform()

const target = document.getElementById("pbt-target");
const instance = pBTransform(transformTarget, options);

Targeting - transformTarget

When passing a target to pBTransform() you can use both getElementById() or getElementsByClassName().

// Both of these work!
const target = document.getElementById("targetID");
const target = document.getElementsByClassName("targetClassName")[0];

While Position Based Transform is dependency free and does not rely on jQuery you can still pass in jQuery objects as targets.

// This works too!
const target = $(someJQuerySelector);

Options (Optional)

Name Type Example Description
hoverTarget DOM Element CodePen Sets which DOM Element the event listener will be created on the detect the mouse position for the animation. If not defined then sets the transformTarget to be the hoverTarget as well.
updateRate Number (milliseconds) CodePen Sets minimum delay between animations on the transformTarget. Default is 40.
translate Number (pixels) | String CodePen The maximum amount the transformTarget can be translated. If you want to affect only one axis then use translateX or translateY instead. If passing in a number it defaults to pixels.
translateReverse Boolean CodePen If true then direction the transformTarget translates is reversed. If you want ot affect only one axis then use translateXReverse or translateYReverse.
tilt Number (degrees) CodePen The maximum amount the transformTarget can be tilted (equilavent to RotateX/RotateY). If you want to affect only one axis then use tiltX or tiltY instead.
tiltReverse Boolean CodePen If true then direction the transformTarget tilts is reversed. If you want to affect only one axis then use tiltXReverse or tiltYReverse.
rotate Number (degrees) CodePen The maximum amount the transformTarget can be rotated (equilavent to RotateZ). If you want to affect only one axis then use tiltX or tiltY instead.
rotateReverse Boolean CodePen If true then direction the transformTarget rotates is reversed. If you want to affect only one axis then use rotateXReverse or rotateYReverse.
rotateStyle Number (1|2|3) CodePen Accepts either 1, 2, or 3. Sets a different way the rotatation is calculated depending on mouse position. Please see example for details.
scale Number (float) CodePen Hovering over hoverTarget scales to this value. 1 = 100%
initialTransform Object CodePen Sets initial transform properties in case your element already has some transform properties on it or you want it to start at a different position.
duration Number (milliseconds) | String How many milliseconds/seconds it takes for a transform transition to complete. Default is 200ms
easing String Specifies the speed curve of the transition effect. Default is "cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1)".
resetOnMouseLeave Boolean If true, then when mouse leaves hoverTarget then it resets position of transformTarget. Default is true.
onEnter Function Callback function that fires when mouse enters hoverTarget.
onLeave Function Callback function that fires when mouse leaves hoverTarget.
onChange Function Callback function that fires when mouse moves inside of hoverTarget and a new transition is fired.


All methods are called on the instance that is created when initializing

const target = document.getElementById('pbt-target');
const instance = pBTransform(transformTarget, options);



Calling .resetPosition() will reset the transformTarget to it's initial position by taking off any transform values.



Calling .disable() will prevent any transition effect from taking place.



Calling .enable() will renable any transition effect.



Calling .toggle() will switch between disabled and enabled state.



Position Based Transform is an open source software under the MIT license

Credit/Shameless Plug

Interested in who made this? Come visit my portfolio at MaiCoding

Want more sick and easy to use animations? Come over to AnimationZone