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FCIS Library: Static 'Book Library' Template

FCIS Library is a user-friendly web application that allows users to browse and access books online. Featuring a navigation bar, a comprehensive book list, and a purchase link for each book.


Deploy the FCIS Library with Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel


  • Navigation Bar: Facilitates swift navigation to Admin, Register, Login, and Home pages. Implemented within HTML files using the class "nav".

  • Book List: Showcases a comprehensive list of books, with images, titles, descriptions, and purchase links. Refer to the books.html file for implementation details.

  • Admin Login: Exclusive features for administrators, implemented in admin.html and admin_panel.html.

  • User Registration and Login: User-specific features allowing registration and login, implemented in register.html and login.html respectively. (functionality not implemented)

Code Structure

The codebase includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files:

  • main.html: The website's landing page, featuring the navigation bar and an introduction to the library.

  • books.html: Displays the book list.

  • admin.html and admin_panel.html: One for the admin login, and one for the admin features.

  • register.html and login.html: Handle user registration and login.

  • styles/: Contains CSS files defining webpage styles.

  • admin_panel.js: Defines the functionality of the administrator panel.

Testing locally

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Open main.html in your web browser.