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TokenManager Wiki

Welcome to the wiki of TokenManager.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I show my token balance in FeatherBoard or any other Maximvdw's plugins?

A. See Placeholders.

Q. How do I show my token balance in DeluxeChat or any other Clip's plugins?

A. See Placeholders.

Q. Can I make an item only purchasable once?

A. Yes. Simply add the cancel permission (tokenmanager.cancel.[shop]-[slot]) for the slot on purchase.

PermissionsEx example:

        displayed: STONE 32 name:&3Stone_(x32) lore:&dBalance:_%tokens%_Tokens|&aPrice:_%price%_Tokens
        cost: 20
        message: '&bTM &8» &7Thanks for your purchase, %player%! &c-%price% tokens'
        - 'give %player% STONE 32'
        - 'pex user %player% add tokenmanager.cancel.testshop-1'