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Modular cross-platform firmware for digital or mixed analog/digital game controllers


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HayBox Rectangle Corner Firmware Edition

This is a modified version of HayBox, designed for B0XX-style controllers. It includes a Brook Wingman compatible mode and CPT compliant SOCD in the FGC modes. This readme will cover the main differences and FAQs for our users. For more information about HayBox, please visit the HayBox repo.

Major changes from HayBox:

  • Brook Wingman FGC mode layout, which is automatically booted into from plugin by a buttonhold
  • Function key in FGC mode to prevent accidental access of the Home button
  • Addition of L3 and R3 buttons in FGC mode
  • Removal of double Up inputs to comply with CPT ruleset
  • Tournament legal Smash 64 layout, which is automatically booted on plugin to an N64
  • Options such as WASD and ATB's Peach Layout commented out in the code

Table of Contents


Melee Layout

Layout for Melee mode

To switch to Melee mode when you're in any other mode, hold:

  • Mod X + Start + L

The recommended cable for playing Melee on a GameCube or Wii is the USB-C to GameCube cable. The recommended cable for playing Melee netplay is the USB-C to USB-A.

Dolphin/Slippi Setup

  • Step 1:

Go to Slippi settings

Dolphin step 1

  • Step 2:

Go to “netplay” and then click on “open settings folder”.

Dolphin step 2

  • Step 3:

Download “” from releases, unzip the folder, and drag and drop “User” in the settings folder.

Dolphin step 3

  • Step 4:

Launch Dolphin, go to “controllers”, set Port 1 to “standard controller”, and click on “configure”.

Dolphin step 4

  • Step 5:

Change the device to “Xinput gamepad” and then load “HayBox_Xinput” for Windows or “HayBox_Dinput” for MacOS.

Dolphin step 5

Project M/Project+

PM/P+ Layout

Layout for Project M/Project+ mode

To switch to Project M/Project+ mode, hold:

  • Mod X + Left + Start

The recommended cable for playing Melee on a Wii is the USB-C to GameCube cable. The recommended cable for playing Melee netplay is the USB-C to USB-A.

Smash Ultimate

Ultimate Layout

Smash Ultimate Layout

To switch to Smash Ultimate mode when you're in any other mode, hold:

  • Mod X + Start + Down

For more information on using your controller in Smash Ultimate, please see this document.

The recommended cable for playing Smash Ultimate is to use the USB-C to GameCube cable to connect your controller to the GameCube Adapter.

FGC Mode

FGC Layout

FGC layout

To switch to FGC mode when you're in any other mode, hold:

  • Mod X + Start + Right

The recommended cable for playing fighting games is the USB-C to USB-A cable.

Brook Wingman

To use a Brook Wingman to play fighting games on a console, hold down the button highlighted below on your controller as you plug in the controller (plug the cord and Wingman into the console before plugging into your controller with the button hold).


Smash 64

Smash 64 Layout

Smash 64 Layout

To switch to Smash 64 when you're in any other mode, hold:

  • Mod X + Start + X

    By default, this is the layout your controller starts with upon plugging into a Nintendo 64. The recommended cable for playing Smash 64 on console is the USB-C to N64 cable.

Emulator Setup

The recommended cable for playing Smash 64 on PC is the USB-C to USB-A cable. You will need to manually map the controls on the emulator your first time playing. For more information, follow the guide linked here.


Updating Your Controller

  • Step 1: Download the update from here and come back to these instructions.

  • Step 2: Hold down the start button and plug your controller into your computer.

  • Step 3: Drag and drop the .uf2 file you got from the releases page into the folder called RPI-RP2

Flashing firmware

Your controller has now been updated and you are ready to play.


ATB Peach Layout

There is a modified layout for Peach by ATB.

It changes the default right hand home row from B-X-Z-Up to X-Up-B-Z. This makes DJCs and subfloats easier than the default layout while this even has the same timing as wavedashing. Peach doesn't need to L-cancel as often as other characters (with Z) and B (for Up-Bs) is still in a comfortable position.

This is done without compromising ergonomics since it's only a rearrangement within the home row and doesn't cause you to cross rows.


Code for WASD directional buttons, if your controller supports it, is inside each of the modes' files. Follow the directions to uncomment WASD and comment out Up inputs accordingly.

Input modes

To configure the button holds for input modes (controller/keyboard modes), edit the select_mode() function in config/mode_selection.hpp. Each if statement is a button combination to select an input mode.

Most input modes support passing in an SOCD cleaning mode, e.g. socd::2IP_NO_REAC. See here for the other available modes.

Creating custom input modes

For creating new input modes, it helps if you know some C++, or at least have some programming experience. That said, you should be able to get by even without prior experience if you just base your new mode off the existing ones and refer to them as examples.

There are two types of input modes: ControllerMode and KeyboardMode


In the constructor of each mode (for controller modes and keyboard modes), you can configure pairs of opposing direction inputs to apply SOCD cleaning to.

For example, in src/modes/Melee20Button.cpp:

_socd_pair_count = 4;
_socd_pairs = new socd::SocdPair[_socd_pair_count]{
    socd::SocdPair{&InputState::left,    &InputState::right,   socd_type},
    socd::SocdPair{ &InputState::down,   &InputState::up,      socd_type},
    socd::SocdPair{ &InputState::c_left, &InputState::c_right, socd_type},
    socd::SocdPair{ &InputState::c_down, &InputState::c_up,    socd_type},

This sets up left/right, down/up, C-Left/C-Right, and C-Down/C-Up as pairs of opposing cardinal directions for which SOCD cleaning will be applied. The SOCD cleaning is automatically done before UpdateDigitalOutputs() and UpdateAnalogOutputs(), and you do not need to worry about it any further than that.

For each SocdPair you can pass in an SocdType of your choosing. By default for most modes this is passed in as a single constructor parameter, but it is possible to pass in multiple parameters, or simply use a hardcoded value. Both of these approaches are exemplified in src/modes/FgcMode.cpp.

SocdType Description
SOCD_NEUTRAL Left + right = neutral - the default if no SocdType specified in the SocdPair
SOCD_2IP Second input priority - left -> left + right = right, and vice versa. Releasing the second direction gives the original direction
SOCD_2IP_NO_REAC Second input priority without reactivation - same as above, except releasing the second direction results in neutral. The original direction must be physically reactuated.
SOCD_DIR1_PRIORITY The first button in the SocdPair always takes priority over the second
SOCD_DIR2_PRIORITY The second button in the SocdPair always takes priority over the first
SOCD_NONE No SOCD resolution - the game decides

Note that you do not have to implement a HandleSocd() function like in the Melee20Button and Melee18Button modes. It is only overridden in these modes so that we can check if left and right are both held before SOCD cleaning, because when they are both held (without a vertical direction being held) we need to override all modifiers.

Mod X lightshield and R shield tilt

If your controller has no lightshield buttons, you may want to use Mod X for lightshield and put shield tilt on R instead. You can do this by using the Melee18Button mode instead of Melee20Button.

Mode-specific optional features

Melee modes

The Melee20Button and Melee18Button modes provide a choice of which coordinates to use when pressing down + right. By default, holding down + back will allow you to do automatic jab-cancels, which is a useful technique for some characters.

Another popular technique that uses the down + right diagonal is the so-called crouch/walk option-select. This technique involves holding down + forward at a certain angle while crouching, such that after crouch-cancelling an attack you will automatically start walking towards your opponent instead of going back into crouch. This can be very useful for tech-chasing, but the coordinates used for this technique do not allow you to auto jab-cancel.

This can be configured as seen in config/mode_selection.hpp by setting the crouch_walk_os option to true:

new Melee20Button(socd::SOCD_2IP_NO_REAC, { .crouch_walk_os = false })

You will also have to change this in your config/<environment>/config.cpp in order for it to be applied on plugin, as mode_selection.hpp only controls what happens when you switch mode.

Project M/Project+ mode

The ProjectM mode has some extra options to configure certain behaviours. As seen in config/mode_selection.hpp:

new ProjectM(
    { .true_z_press = false, .ledgedash_max_jump_traj = true }

Firstly, the ledgedash_max_jump_traj option allows you to enable or disable the behaviour borrowed from Melee mode where holding left and right (and no vertical directions) will give a 1.0 cardinal regardless of modifiers being held.

If you change the SOCD mode to 2IP (with reactivation), you should also change this option to false if you want a smooth gameplay experience.

Secondly, the true_z_press option exists because Project M/Project+ do not handle Z presses the same way Melee does. Melee interprets a Z press as lightshield + A, and thus it can be used for L cancelling without locking you out of techs. In PM/P+, a Z press will trigger a tech and thus cause unwanted tech lockouts if used to L cancel. By default in HayBox, the ProjectM mode is set to use a macro of lightshield + A in order to preserve expected behaviour from Melee. However, this macro does not enable you to use tether/grapple attacks or grab items. To workaround this, you can press Mod X + Z to send a true Z input.

If this bothers you, and you just want to send a true Z input by default when pressing Z, you can set the true_z_press option to true.


This project is licensed under the GNU GPL Version 3 - see the LICENSE file for details


Modular cross-platform firmware for digital or mixed analog/digital game controllers







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  • C++ 96.1%
  • C 3.9%