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Mark Taylor edited this page Jan 4, 2014 · 1 revision

registerForBootStart(successCallback, failureCallback)

  • successCallback The callback which will be called if the method is successful. The callback is passed the [Returned JSON] (Returned-JSON).
  • failureCallback The callback which will be called if the method encounters an error. The callback is passed the [Returned JSON] (Returned-JSON).

Method will enable the background service to start automatically on device boot. Note that on boot and if registered for boot, then the background service will check if the timer is enabled (or was prior to reboot) and start if so. To allow for your service to restart after reboot, it is recommended that any configuration of your background service is stored to some form of persistent storage (see [Using the configuration] (Using-the-configuration)).

Also see

  • [deregisterForBootStart] (deregisterForBootStart)
  • [Returned JSON] (Returned-JSON)
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