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Platform Upload Pre-Processor

The Platform Upload Pre-Processor (PUP) is designed to recieve payloads for the advisor service via the message queue, extract facts from the payload, forward the information to the inventory service, and finally respond to the upload service with the result.


The PUP service is a component of the Insights Platform that validates the payloads uploaded to Red Hat by the insights-client. The service is engaged after an upload has been recieved and stored in quarantine storage.

PUP retrieves payloads via URL in the message, processes it through insights-core to extract facts and guarantee integrity of the archive, and send the extracted info to the inventory service. The success/fail response is then returned to the upload service to indicate whether to keep or reject the archive.

The service runs in Openshift Dedicated.

How it Works


The PUP service workflow is as follows:

  • Recieve a message from platform.upload.advisor topic in the MQ
  • PUP downloads the archive from the url specified in the message
  • Insights Core is engaged to open the tar file and extract the facts as determined by the get_canonical_facts method in insights-core
  • PUP sends a post to inventory containing those facts using the identity of the original uploader
  • If inventory post succeeds, the host ID is added to the return validation message
  • The validation message is sent back to the upload service via the platform.upload.validation queue


The JSON expected by the PUP service from the upload service looks like this:

{"account": "123456",
 "principal": "test_org",
 "request_id": "23oikjonsdv329",
 "size": 234,
 "service": "advisor",
 "b64_identity": "<some big base64 string>",
 "metadata": "{'some_key': 'some_value'}, # optional
 "url": "http://some.bucket.somewhere/1234"}

The JSON POSTed to the inventory service will be what is above, but also include facts:

"facts": [{'facts': {"insights_id": "a756b571-e227-46a5-8bcc-3a567b7edfb1",
                    "machine_id": null,
                    "bios_uuid": null,
                    "subscription_manager_id": null,
                    "ip_addresses": [],
                    "mac_addresses": [],
                    "fqdn": "Z0JTXJ7YSG.test"}
            'namespace': 'insights-client'}]

The above facts are managed by the insights-core project and may be added or taken away. The README should be updated to reflect those changes


  • account: The account number used to upload. Will be modified to account_number when posting to inventory
  • principal: The upload org_id. Will be modified to org_id when posting to inventory
  • request_id: The ID of the individual uploaded archive
  • size: Size of the payload in bytes
  • service: The service name as provided by the MIME type.
  • url: The url from which the archive will be downloaded
  • facts: An array containing facts for each host

The PUP service will respond to the upload service with a message on the message queue regarding success or failure.

Success example:

{"validation": "success", "request_id": "23oikjonsdv329"}

Failure example:

{"validation": "failure", "request_id": "23oikjonsdv329"}


A dockerfile is included with this repo for buiding the service using a container management tool (docker/buildah).

buildah bud -t pup:latest .

Or using docker:

docker build -t pup:latest .



Or using docker:



The default environment variables should be acceptable for testing, though you may likely have to updat the INVENTORY_URL variable in order to point to your local inventory.

podman run -d --name pup -p 8080:8080 pup:latest
docker run -d --name pup -p 8080:8080 pup:latest

Bare Metal

It's possible to run this app locally without engaging containers if you would like.


venv or pipenv


Create a virtualenv using either venv or pipenv and install requirements. Once complete you can start the app by running

virtualenv . -p $(which python3)
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Or using pipenv:

pipenv install
pipenv run ./


Activate your virtual environment and run the validator

source bin/activate
python ./

Or with pipenv:

pipenv run ./

File Processing

The best way to test is by standing up this server and incorporating it with the upload-service. The insights-upload repo has a docker-compose that will get you most of the way there. Other details regarding posting your archive to the service can be found in that readme.

This test assumes you have an inventory service available and ready to use. Visit the insights-host-inventory repo for those instructions.

Running with Tests

TODO: There is currently no PUP test suite


The PUP service master branch has a webhook that notifies Openshift Dedicated cluster to build a new image in the buildfactory project. The image build will then trigger a redployment of the service in Platform-CI. If the image is tested valid and operation, it should be tagged to Platform-QA for further testing, then finally copied to the Production cluster and the Platform-Prod project.

The commands for that process are as follows:

===In insights-dev cluster===
oc tag platform-ci/insights-validator:latest platform-qa/insights-validator:latest

===Copy to production cluster===
skopeo copy --src-creds=user:dev_login_token --dest-creds=user:prod_login_token \
docker:// \

===In insights production cluster===
oc tag platform-stage/insights-validator:latest platform-prod/insights-validator:latest


All outstanding issues or feature requests should be filed as Issues on this Github repo. PRs should be submitted against the master branch for any features or changes.

Running unit tests

To run unit tests, run nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=pup.


Anytime an endpoint is modified, the version should be incremented by 0.1. New functionality that may effect other services should increment by 1. Minor features and bugfixes can increment by 0.0.1


  • Stephen Adams - Initial Work - SteveHNH
  • Kyle Lape - Initial Work - kylape


Platform Upload Pre-Processor Service






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