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Red Marker Php Health Status

This is a php-based package for performing health status checks that follow the format found at

"I need a doctor" - Dr. Dre

Just like Dre, you might need a Doctor too.


composer require redmarker/doctor

Doctor Usage

Create an instance of a Doctor class using a new Examination().

Passing RedMarker\Doctor\Checks\CheckInterface objects to the Doctor will add them to the Doctors examination attribute.

Both the releaseId and serviceId must be set on the RedMarker\Doctor\Doctor() .

The releaseId should be the current git commit hash.

The serviceId should be the containers id.

use ZendDiagnostics\Runner\Runner as Examination;

$doctor = new RedMarker\Doctor\Doctor(Examination $examination);

Adding Checks to the Doctor

Pass each Check in an array to the Doctor.

    new Doctor\Checks\Database()

return $doctor->diagnose();


    "status": "pass",
    "releaseID": "5113e3d0ad8fe3f1ac8393e17432353b194a060f",
    "serviceID": "34ebdffa9cba",
    "details": [
            "database:connection": {
                "componentId": "api",
                "componentType": "datastore",
                "time": "2019-10-01T06:23:35.817073Z",
                "status": "pass"

Laravel Usage

For Laravel usage the below service provider should be registered in config/app.php


Setup configuration for Laravel Checks:

| Service Id
| Here you may specify the service_id that should be used
| by the health check. The service_id should be the containers id.
'service_id' => env('CONTAINER_ID', 'container-id not found'),

| Release Id
| Here you may specify the release_id that should be used
| by the health check. The release_id should be the current git hash.
'release_id' => env('RELEASE_ID', 'release-id not found'),

| Vendor Folder Location
| Here you may specify the location of that vendor folder that.
| This location is only used by the VendorFolder Check.
'vendor_folder' => env('APP_ROOT') . '/vendor',

| .Env File Location
| Here you may specify the location of the .env file.
| This location is used by the EnvFile Check.
'env_file' => env('APP_ROOT') . '/.env',

| HttpResponse Check configurations
'services' => [
    'component_name' => [
        'endpoint' => env('API_URL'),
        'jwt' => env('API_JWT'),
        'see_in_response' => [