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This element provides a means to manage the context of an application. It also offers storage of all requests. If a request is made for an item it already has, it will update that item in the context and trigger a PubSub event.


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This element provides a means to manage the context of an application. It also offers storage of all requests. If a request is made for an item it already has, it will update that item in the context and trigger a PubSub event.

This element is not meant to be used as or replace a cache. Modern browsers now offer a very good caching system.

Using this element

Place this element in the shell of your application. This will provide a global variable named NowContext. You can use data binding to share the context (though not recommended). Instead use the PubSub system to listen for and trigger events.


<dom-module id="custom-app">
class CustomApp extends Polymer.Element {
	static get is() {return 'custom-app'}
	static get properties() {
		return {
			someData: Object
	 * Create a PubSub Event Listener
	connectedCallback() {
		// Give now-context time to be initialized
		setTimeout(() => {
			NowContext.on('someEvent', this.onEvt, this);
		}, 1000);
	 * Perform an ajax request
	putData(data) {
		let detailObj = {
			ajax: {
				url: '',
				method: 'PUT',
				payload: data
			idKey: '@id'
			.then((ajaxRequest) => {
				// Do Something....

	onEvt(data) {
		// Do something with the data

	triggerSomeEvt() {
		NowContext.trigger('someEvent', this.someData);

All Request/Response events should be sent a detail/payload object formatted like:

let detailObj {
	idKey: 'id', // The key for the ID. If using the Red Pill Now Graph API, it would be '@id'
	ajax: { // If any special iron-ajax properties should be set, include them here
		url: '', // URL for the request
		payload: {some: obj} // If performing a PUT, POST or PATCH include the payload
		method: 'GET'


There are 4 events which now-context emits. :

  • - Fired when the now-context element is available
  • nowContextItemUpdated - This is a Symbol and is accessible via the NowContext.UPDATED_EVENT property. This is fired when a context item in the store is updated (not added)
  • nowContextItemAdded - This is a Symbol and is accessible via the NowContext.ADDED_EVENT property. This is fired when a context item is added to the store
  • nowContextItemDeleted - This is a Symbol and is accessible via the NowContext.DELETED_EVENT property. This is fired when a context item is removed from the store

PubSub System

There are 4 methods to work with the PubSub system:

  • NowContext.on(eventName, callback, context) - This is how you subscribe to an event. For PubSub, whatever wants listen to an event. For Request/Response this would be whatever is responding to an event. If creating a Request/Response listener, the callback MUST return a Promise.
  • NowContext.trigger(eventName, data) - This is how you trigger an event
  •, callback) - This is how you un-subscribe from an event
  • NowContext.fetch(payload) - This is how you make an ajax request. See above for format of payload. This will return a Promise with the ajax request data included as an argument

When an event is triggered, it will run the callback function for all subscribed listeners. While we attempt to prevent duplicate listeners, if a context is not provided to listenEvt it is possible to end up with duplicate listeners. While this will not cause a memory leak it will cause your callback to be called twice. Also the order of running callbacks is not guaranteed to happen in any particular order.

Setup for Development

First, make sure you have Nodejs installed, so we can use the Node package manager (NPM) Next, install the other key tools:

You can install them with these commands:

[sudo] npm install --global gulp bower typescript web-component-tester

Next, install dependencies that are managed by NPM:

[sudo] npm install

Install dependencies that are managed by Bower:

bower install

Running Element in dev environment

To view this element, its tests, and demo, simply point your browser to index.html after executing gulp serve


This project is built using Gulp; the file gulpfilejs contains several build tasks Many IDEs and text editors have Gulp integration, so look for integration in your tool of choice

You can also run Gulp from the command line; here are some common tasks:

gulp serve - Builds the component and runs a local web server (usually on port 5000) that will automatically reload changes you make on disk in the browser After you run this command, just open your browser to http://localhost:5000/ The page should refresh automatically when you change the source

gulp - Default target; builds the component for distribution

test - Run the tests

NOTE: Make sure you check in js, map, and dts files generated by the build. These will be used by projects that use your component

You can see the other tasks (such as clean) in the gulpfilejs


Be sure to update the test suite in the test folder with tests for your component!


This element provides a means to manage the context of an application. It also offers storage of all requests. If a request is made for an item it already has, it will update that item in the context and trigger a PubSub event.






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