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Beacon Tiles

Replaces all beacon entities with tiles with the same effects instead

Main features

  • Replace all 3x3 vanilla beacons with tiles with the same transmission effects
  • Tile beacons are 1x1 beacons with 50% module transmission, and consume ~1/9th of regular beacon's power
  • Tiles have increased/reduced bonus speed based on the applied module's speed/productivity effects
  • Tiles have positive/negative pollution absorption capacity based on the applied module's pollution/consumption effects
  • Fully customizable via mod settings: enable/disable vanilla beacon restrictions, enable/disable placing productivity inside tile beacons


  • A fully vanilla-beaconed assembler machine receives effects from 12 beacons, 2 modules each, at 50% transmission => 12 x 2 x 0.5 => 12 modules' effects
  • A fully tile-beaconed assembler machine receives effects from 25 tiles, 1 module each, at 50% transmission => 25 x 1 x 0.5 => 12.5 modules' effects

Pros - it's easier to design fully-beaconed designs (direct insertion, trains, arrays...) Cons - it's harder to tile and share beacon effects, resulting in higher and expensive building costs


Future development

  • add settings for separated item/recipe/tile that includes beacon + tile costs for a tile beacon
  • add color support for other modded beacons, based on their effects

Known bugs & compatibility

  • Although compatible with any modded module / beacon outside vanilla, Beacon Tiles currently supports specific tile colors for vanilla modules only (default color for unknown modules: brown, their custom effects still apply)
  • Please feel free to report any issue on the mod portal page, on GitHub, or over on my Discord.

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