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Tyler Yoshiyama edited this page Oct 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the redvox-python-sdk wiki!

This wiki details the functions and uses of the redvox-python-sdk.

The SDK is written in Python 3.6+ and is intended for users working with Redvox data formats.

There are different versions of the Redvox API standard within the SDK. Each version comes with its own reader and writer designed specifically for that standard. Currently, API 900 and API 1000 (aka API M) are in use.

The SDK also includes device-independent data containers and processing tools. While Redvox data works best with the SDK, other popular data formats can be read and analyzed alongside Redvox data.

If you plan on making changes to the library, please follow these guidelines.

  • Please perform all work in a separate branch.
  • Ensure all unit tests pass before committing. This can be achieved by running python3 -m unittest discover in the root of this project.
  • Update the version number in redvox/ This project uses Semantic Versioning.
  • Do not introduce backwards incompatible changes unless absolutely necessary.
  • Create a new set of documentation in the docs/ directory that matches the new version.
  • Update the developer documentation, API documentation, and examples with your new changes.
  • Either create a pull request from your branch (if forked) or check with one of the developers before attempting to merge changes into master.