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IX. Miscellaneous

Yuji edited this page Jul 21, 2018 · 1 revision


Pool Table

The pool table is fragile and is easily thrown out of level. It may be very carefully moved for banquet and gatherings but for no other reason.1


Smoking is not permitted in the house due to New York State laws.


$200 has been set as the limit for a photo album each year.


[1] Passed on 09/2014

Redbud Constitution


I. Rationale

II. Membership

  • The Selection Process
  • Admission to Redbud
  • Summer

III. House Provisions

  • Room Selection
  • Meals
  • Room Furniture
  • Parking
  • Laundry
  • TV/Projector
  • Computer
  • Storage
  • Living Room

IV. Meal Plan

V. Responsibilities of Members

  • Meal Plan
  • House Jobs
  • HIPs
  • Rooms and Keys
  • House Cleanup
  • Kitchen Sanitation and Etiquette
  • Late Night
  • Payment
  • Banquet
  • Social Gatherings
  • House Meetings
  • Points
  • Guestages
  • Infractions of Responsibilities
  • Exceptions

VI. House Meetings

  • Quorum
  • Conduct and Discussion
  • Voting Rules

VII. House Officers

  • House Officer Review
  • Rules Governing House Officers
  • Fun Team
  • President
  • House Managers
  • Stewards
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Sustainability & Humanitarian Outreach Chair (SHOC)
  • Summer House Manager

VIII. House Funds

  • Checking Account
  • Gift Account
  • RB Cares

IX. Miscellaneous

  • Pool Table
  • Smoking
  • Scrapbook

X. Amendments

Appendix A - Summer House Rules

  • Rationale
  • Occupancy Period
  • Payment
  • Responsibilities
  • Etiquette
  • Miscellaneous
  • Safety & Security
  • Infraction of Rules
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