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Danny Weng edited this page May 14, 2015 · 6 revisions

Basic Use

To use ReefNexus, navigate to The first page that appears is the home page, with a map displaying the island of Oahu in the center.

Home Page

Along the coastline of Oahu are circles signifying relevant spots of interest. By clicking on these spots, you can quickly view the ten species that are most commonly sighted in the area. This information can be obtained by expanding the panel on the right, which displays the location's name. A user may also instead choose the application to center on their own location. From there, a user can observe the fish sighting information or continue on to adding their own fish sightings. This can be done by clicking on the large add button in the location panel.

Location Selection

Adding Fish

To add a fish to the database, first obtain the corresponding location as explained above. Then click on the Add fish to location button within the expanded location panel. This will link to another page where you can specify the fish you observed. You can either enter a common name or scientific name (it must be exact), or if you cannot identify your fish, you can compare it the fishes listed on the screen. This list of fishes comprises all of the fish that have been observed in the chosen area.

Fish Input

When you are finished, click the Add button to add the fish into the database. The application will then load the Location page, which should reflect the updated fish counts.

Location After Input


To view more information about individual locations, you can go through a list which is displayed on the "Location" page.

Location Page

Fish Database

You may also choose to search through the complete Reef Nexus database of available fishes, by going to the Fish Database page. From there, you may enter up to four parameters, based on the species' associated name, for query.

Fish Database Page

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