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Vue Hotels App

This is a solution to Reengen Full Stack Bootcamp with Vuejs and Nodejs Week-2 Project. It is built with Vuejs by using Vue CLI, Vue Router, Vuelidate and html2pdf.

You can check the live demo here.

Table of contents


Homework Requirements

  • There will be at least 4 hotels card in the page
  • Hotel data should come from a .json file
  • Hotel name, price, rating, photo and location should be listed in the card
  • There should be a hotels/:id or hotels/:name route for showing hotel detail
  • There should be a reservation route for listing forms for each guest
  • There should be guest name, last name, age, sex, identitiy no., HES Code, e-mail adress and phone number field in the form
  • Form validations must be complete for each field and form (with Vuelidate)
  • Validations and Filters should be used from a global mixin
  • Next form should be focused when the previous one is completed (by using Vue ref)
  • There will be a payment page and a loading modal to show that the payment is successful
  • Optionally Added -> List all booking details in payment route
  • Optionally Added -> Download booking details in payment route (with html2pdf.js)

The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Search for a city to list all available hotels for selected dates
  • Enter guest information (for adults and children)
  • See hotel prices based on selected dates and number of rooms
  • See rating of hotels with stars out of 5
  • Select desired hotel to proceed booking process
  • See hotel details in a detail page and proceed to reservation route
  • See forms for each guest in reservation page with form validations and errors
  • Fill the forms for each guest and if there is no errors then proceed to payment route
  • See booking information and guest details in the payment route
  • (Optional) Download the booking details - via html2pdf.js


My process

Built with


Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.