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reflexLabs edited this page Nov 26, 2020 · 10 revisions
Value Description
version Current version of the plugin (do not modify it)
enablePlugin Toggle between enable/disable plugin
prefix Main prefix will be showen in chat messages
enableSound Toggle between enable/disable sounds
uiSound UI click sound from Sound or by sound name from resourcepack
openSound UI click sound from Sound or by sound name from resourcepack
completeSound UI click sound from Sound or by sound name from resourcepack
firstJoinMoneySound First join sound from Sound or by sound name from resourcepack
minimumActionFee Minimum action fee per action such deposit/withdraw
closeGuiAfterAction Toggle between enable/disable closing inventory after transaction completed
closeGuiAfterActionAll Toggle between enable/disable closing inventory after "all" transaction completed (like withdraw all)
showInfoAboutPlugin Toggle between enable/disable showing information about the resource ingame ♥
firstJoinMoney Defines first join rewards for players
enableOverdraft Allow to players have negative value in their account
fillInventories Toggle between enable/disable to fill empty slots in inventories
fillMaterial The material which will fill the empty slots
creationWandName Creation Wand display name
creationWandMaterial Creation Wand material
creationWandID Creation Wand Custom Model ID
destructionWandName Creation Wand display name
destructionWandMaterial Creation Wand material
destructionWandID Creation Wand Custom Model ID
defaultInventoryType Defines the default bank inventory
defaultMachineMaterial Defines the default machine material
defaultMachineCustomID Defines the default machine custom model id
defaultMachineHologramEnabled Defines the default machine hologram display
defaultMachineHologramText Defines the default machine hologram text display
defaultMachineChargeUse Defines the default machine charge fee per use
defaultChargeUseHologramText Defines the default machine charge fee hologram display
bankMenu Defines bank GUI title
adminMenu Defines admin's bank management GUI
notAvailable Not available message
isOffline If target player is offline message
noPermission Player have no permission to interact/use command
reloadMessage Reload files message
saveMessage Save data into files message
machineCreated Machine created message
machineRemoved Machine removed message
gaveWandMessage Gave wand message
noSuchAccount If target account isn't exists
noLastAccount If target account isn't defined earlier
editModeMessage Enter edit mode message
editModeActionMessage Edit mode when action selected message
writeDownMessage Edit mode when you need to write down value
writeDownAmount Edit mode when you have to write down money amount
giveMoneyMessage Give money message
takeMoneyMessage Take money message
resetMoneyMessage Reset player's account balance message
setMoneyMessage Set player's account balance message
frozeAccountMessage When freezing player's account
noMoneyMessage When player have no money to complete the action
chargeUseMessage When player have no money to use machine
minimumActionFeeMessage Prevents player of doing unnecessary actions message
withdrawallMessage Withdraw all bank account money message
withdrawMessage Withdraw money from bank account message
depositMessage Deposit all money to bank account message
depositallMessage Deposit money to bank account message
balanceMessage Balance check message
firstJoinMoneyMessage On player join for the first time message

Clean Configuration Document

version: v1.0
enablePlugin: true
prefix: '&a&lBANKING »'
enableSound: true
openSound: open
completeSound: complete
minimumActionFee: 10.0
closeGuiAfterAction: true
closeGuiAfterActionAll: true
showInfoAboutPlugin: true
firstJoinMoney: 2500.0
enableOverdraft: false
fillInventories: true
creationWandName: '&a&lCreation Wand'
creationWandMaterial: Iron_Hoe
creationWandID: 120
destructionWandName: '&c&lDestruction Wand'
destructionWandMaterial: Stick
destructionWandID: 0
defaultInventoryType: bank
defaultMachineMaterial: Iron_Hoe
defaultMachineCustomID: 120
defaultMachineHologramEnabled: true
defaultMachineHologramText: '&a&lATM'
defaultMachineChargeUse: 0
defaultChargeUseHologramText: '&c&lFee: &a&l${price}'
bankMenu: '&a&lBANK'
adminMenu: '&c&lBANK MANAGEMENT'
notAvailable: '&c&lSorry!&c This option aren''t available currently.'
isOffline: '&c&lSorry!&c This aren''t online currently.'
noPermission: '&cYou do not have permission to do that.'
reloadMessage: '&aConfiguration files have been reloaded successfully!'
saveMessage: '&6Configuration files have been saved successfully!'
machineCreated: '&aYou created a new machine successfully!'
machineRemoved: '&6You removed the machine successfully!'
gaveWandMessage: '&2You received {wand} &2successfully!'
noSuchAccount: '&c&lNo such account, try again:'
noLastAccount: '&7&lNo account modified,'
editModeMessage: '&fYou editing &f&l{player} &fbank account.'
editModeActionMessage: '&7Action selected: &8&l{action}:'
writeDownMessage: '&7&lPlease write down player''s nickname:'
writeDownAmount: '&7&lPlease write down numeric value only:'
selectionCleared: '&7&lSelection cleared.'
giveMoneyMessage: '&aYou gave &f&l{player} &2&l${money} &asuccessfully!'
takeMoneyMessage: '&fcYou took from &f&l{player} &2&l${money} &csuccessfully!'
resetMoneyMessage: '&6You reset &f&l{player} &6balance successfully!'
setMoneyMessage: '&6You set &f&l{player} &6balance to &2&l${money} &6successfully!'
overdraftMessage: '&c&lSorry! &cPlayer can''t have a negative balance. (under $0)'
frozeAccountMessage: '&3You &6&lfroze &f&l{player} &3bank account successfully!'
unfrozeAccountMessage: '&3You &a&lunfroze &f&l{player} &3bank account successfully!'
noMoneyMessage: '&c&lSorry! &cYou don''t have enough money in order to complete this
chargeUseMessage: '&c&lSorry! &cYou need to hold &a&l${price} &cin order to use this
minimumActionFeeMessage: '&c&lSorry! &cMinimum action fee is &6&l${price}&c!'
selfTransfer: '&c&lSorry! &cYou can''t transfer money to yourself.'
transferMessage: '&5&l{sender}->{receiver} &6&l${money}'
withdrawallMessage: '&6&l-${money}'
withdrawMessage: '&6&l-${money}'
depositMessage: '&a&l+${money}'
depositallMessage: '&a&l+${money}'
balanceMessage: '&2&l${money}'
firstJoinMoneyMessage: '&aYou received &a&l${money}&a, you joined for the &a&lfirst