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Buying & Selling Single Cards ? [How To] #17

Answered by Refloow
SENPAY98K asked this question in Q&A
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Sorry, but short answer is no there is not.
Script doesn't have any features that would allow you to do that normally.

One dumb way to accomplish that would be removing bots database and inside of the utils.js file fill the games you would want to buy the cards of, but in the game data instead of number of cards per set, you could in theory set it to 1. Disable all buy commands in the config that would allow users to buy , and set that script to work on a separate account. Change the pricing, and then script would buy single cards but think its full "sets". You can also enable or disable commands, so for example you could only use gems or tf2 metal.

I wouldn't recommend doing it that way…

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