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Shared Identity Secret Codes Guide

Veljko Vuckovic edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 4 revisions

What are the Shared Secret and Identity Secret codes?

Shared Secret

Shared Secret code is used by steam two factor authenticator
to generate an one time login codes for the guarded account,
it is necessary for the script to login inside of the account

Identity Secret

Identity Secret code is used by authenticator to accept and manage offers
It is necessary for the account to send and accept offers

How to get the codes?

Its not easy as it might seems, we don't need the codes generated by authenticator,
what we need is the unique codes that authenticator use to generate the codes
to get the codes there is a few ways. One im going to show here is using SDA, follow along.

Steam Desktop Authenticator

Steam Desktop Authenticator is an custom built app that allows you to have 2fa app on your desktop and also access the files
Configure the account on the SDA and remove encryption, go to the maFiles folder and find the account with the steam64id that you want to get codes of. Ones you have the codes i recommend to put back encryption on the authenticator, write encryption key somewhere in physical form where you know you wont lose it, otherwise next time you want to do smth with the authenticator you would need to reset it causing the account to have 15 days trade ban penalty
Ones you have the codes don't share them with anyone
Down here are some of the useful tutorials on how Authenticator works, how to setup an account and how to extract the codes.

Steam Desktop Authenticator Download
About the Steam Desktop Authenticator Video
How to get (Extract) Shared Secret and Identity Secret: Video [Windows]
How to get (Extract) Shared Secret and Identity Secret: Video [IOS]

Ones you have the codes continue with the guide here