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Merge branch 'dev'
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# Conflicts:
#	GFX/items/badge2.png
#	GFX/items/badge2_tex.png
#	GFX/items/scp178.png
#	GFX/map/dimension1499/1499object0_lm1.png
#	GFX/map/label1123.png
#	GFX/map/room049_lm1.png
#	GFX/map/room049_lm2.png
#	GFX/map/room049_lm3.png
#	GFX/map/room178_lm1.png
#	GFX/map/room2nuke_lm1.png
#	GFX/map/room2scps_lm1.png
#	GFX/map/room2sl_lm1.png
#	GFX/map/room2sl_lm10.png
#	GFX/map/room2sl_lm11.png
#	GFX/map/room2sl_lm12.png
#	GFX/map/room2sl_lm2.png
#	GFX/map/room2sl_lm3.png
#	GFX/map/room2sl_lm4.png
#	GFX/map/room2sl_lm5.png
#	GFX/map/room2sl_lm6.png
#	GFX/map/room2sl_lm7.png
#	GFX/map/room2sl_lm8.png
#	GFX/map/room2sl_lm9.png
#	GFX/map/room2sroom_lm1.png
#	GFX/map/room2testroom2_lm1.png
  • Loading branch information
Regalis11 committed Jul 29, 2018
2 parents fe1b20f + f1201f2 commit 0cd3fdd
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Showing 255 changed files with 7,374 additions and 3,196 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ Saves/*
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Dim Achievements%(MAXACHIEVEMENTS)

Const Achv008%=0, Achv012%=1, Achv035%=2, Achv049%=3, Achv055=4, Achv079%=5, Achv096%=6, Achv106%=7, Achv148%=8, Achv178=9, Achv205=10
Const Achv294%=11, Achv372%=12, Achv420%=13, Achv500%=14, Achv513%=15, Achv714%=16, Achv789%=17, Achv860%=18, Achv895%=19
Const Achv008%=0, Achv012%=1, Achv035%=2, Achv049%=3, Achv055=4, Achv079%=5, Achv096%=6, Achv106%=7, Achv148%=8, Achv205=9
Const Achv294%=10, Achv372%=11, Achv420%=12, Achv427=13, Achv500%=14, Achv513%=15, Achv714%=16, Achv789%=17, Achv860%=18, Achv895%=19
Const Achv914%=20, Achv939%=21, Achv966%=22, Achv970=23, Achv1025%=24, Achv1048=25, Achv1123=26

Const AchvMaynard%=27, AchvHarp%=28, AchvSNAV%=29, AchvOmni%=30, AchvConsole%=31, AchvTesla%=32, AchvPD%=33
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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions
Expand Up @@ -292,19 +292,19 @@ End Function
Function ZipApi_Compress%(bankHandle%, compressionLevel% = ZIPAPI_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)

; Check bank input - return 0 if invalid
If bankhandle < 1 Then Return False
If bankHandle < 1 Then Return False
If BankSize(bankHandle) < 1 Then Return False

; Check compression level and limit appropriately
If compressionLevel < 1 Then compressionLevel = 1
If compressionLevel > 9 Then compressionLevel = 9

; Create a bank to place compressed data into
Local destBank = CreateBank(ZlibWapi_CompressBound(BankSize(bankhandle)))
Local destBank = CreateBank(ZlibWapi_CompressBound(BankSize(bankHandle)))

; Create bank to store dest size & populate
Local destSize = CreateBank(4)
PokeInt(destSize, 0, BankSize(destbank))
PokeInt(destSize, 0, BankSize(destBank))

; Compress
Local zipResult = ZlibWapi_Compress2(destBank, destSize, bankHandle, BankSize(bankHandle), compressionLevel)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ Function ZipApi_ExtractFileAsBank%(zipHandle, fileName$, password$ = "")
If fileName = "" Then Return ZIPAPI_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE

; Find file & get quick information
Local prevFile.ZipApi_unzFileInfo = ZipApi_GetCurrentFileInfo(zipHandle)
Local prevFile.ZIPAPI_UnzFileInfo = ZipApi_GetCurrentFileInfo(zipHandle)

; Find file
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -637,9 +637,9 @@ Function ZipApi_GetCurrentFileInfo.ZIPAPI_UnzFileInfo(zipHandle%)
ZlibWapi_UnzGetCurrentFileInfo(zipHandle, tBank, fileNameBank, fileInfo\FileNameLength, extraFieldBank, fileInfo\ExtraFieldLength, commentBank, fileInfo\CommentLength)

; Peek our strings
fileInfo\FileName = peekstring(fileNameBank, 0)
fileInfo\ExtraField = peekstring(extraFieldBank, 0)
fileInfo\Comment = peekstring(commentBank, 0)
fileInfo\FileName = PeekString(fileNameBank, 0)
fileInfo\ExtraField = PeekString(extraFieldBank, 0)
fileInfo\Comment = PeekString(commentBank, 0)

; Cleanup & Return
FreeBank tBank
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ Function ZipApi_GetGlobalInfo.ZIPAPI_GlobalInfo(zipHandle)
Return Null

zipInfo = ZipApi_GlobalInfo_FromBank(infoBank)
zipInfo = ZIPAPI_GlobalInfo_FromBank(infoBank)

; Now get the comment
Local commentBank = CreateBank(zipInfo\CommentLength + 1)
Expand Down
145 changes: 131 additions & 14 deletions Changelog.txt
@@ -1,19 +1,136 @@

- Added SCP-427.
- New rooms (room4info, room2cpit, room2pipes2, room3_3), including improved old rooms (room2nuke, room2testroom2, room049, room2sroom).
- New events in the facility.
- New events in SCP-1499's dimension.
- New ambient sounds.
- New items and documents.
- Added an alarm sound for each gateway room.
- Added 50 cent coins in the game. Those are required to use SCP-294. You can get coins by putting a mastercard into SCP-914 on the "coarse" setting.
- Added a wallet which you can use to store the 50 cent coins. You can find one in the storage room, where the scientist and janitor are killed by SCP-173.
- Added battery power to the night vision goggles that can be found in the facility.
- Added a death message when the player gets killed by the SCP-035 tentacle in the office room.
- Added the missing containment door inside of SCP-372's chamber.
- Added a little message that tells the player to "kneel" in the pocket dimension's throne room.
- Added dead bodies in the nuke room (room2nuke) and elevator shaft room (room2shaft).
- The player can't escape through Gate A and B if SCP-096 had been triggered.
- SCP-1499 instances are now able to "talk" with each other.
- Improved SCP-049's chamber area, making it more complex.
- Improved SCP-049's AI. He is much more active in the game now.
- Improved some documents.
- Improved the SCP-1499 texture.
- Improved SCP-079's Gate B announcement.
- Improved layouts for the Load Game and Load Map tabs in the main menu.
- Improved the badge textures.
- Improved the elevators.
- Improved SCP-914 sounds.
- Slightly improved SCP-682 battle sound at Gate B.
- Cut the amount of bloodloss in the pocket dimension's trench by 75%.
- Changed the mechanics on how the wearing of the hazmat suit, the ballistic vest and SCP-1499 works.
- Decreased SCP-096's speed from 10 to 9.
- SCP-106 now goes straight towards the player if he is not able to find a correct path.
- SCP-106 cannot disappear anymore if the player is too close to him.
- Changed 106's chamber access door to be a level 4 keycard door (instead of a level 3 door).
- Changed the player's spawn point when he leaves the Pocket Dimension and gets teleported to SCP-106's chamber.
- SCP-500 won't heal any injuries and bloodloss anymore, but instead can cure SCP-966's effect.
- Door sounds and ambient sounds are now updating depending on their position.
- The SCP-035 tentacles now play their idle sound.
- The message "You pushed the button but nothing happened." appears when you try to use a locked door that is opened.
- Changed the texture of the checkpoint lockdown screens slightly.
- Changed the label colors for Safe SCPs to green and for Keter SCPs to red.
- Optimized the room light rendering.
- Removed lightmaps from the SCP-1499 dimension buildings, so now the game loads less textures when loading the dimension.
- Optimized the medibay textures.
- The player will die instead of getting teleported to the SCP-008 death cutscene while infected with SCP-008 and when being at one of the exits.
- The MTF units now shoot the player if they are too close to the player in the service tunnels at Gate A.
- Player now vomits before dying by SCP-895's effect when viewing the monitor.
- The red night vision goggles get affected by SCP-895's effect as well.
- The security clearance level now gets displayed when you use a keycard that has a too low level.
- Added a little scene in which Agent Ulgrin gives you SCP-173 document.
- Added a death message when you die by SCP-1048-A.
- Added a tesla caution sign at the floor.
- Reworked the Example and Larry's Revenge maps (by Onemario1234).
- Removed SCP-178.

- Updated the Map Creator (version 2.1)
- Added an option to enable/disable adjacent door spawning in the 3d viewer.
- Revamped the design for the 2d grid a bit.
- You can now select a room in the 3D view which will automaticly select that room in the 2D grid.
- New map format called ".cbmap2" which includes
- The ability to scale each zone (by adjusting the checkpoint lines for them).
- The ability to write the author's name and description of the map.
- The ability to make custom forest and maintenance tunnel layouts.
- The room amount that gets displayed when hovering over the "Load" button for selecting the map.
- Fixed a bug that caused the event chance to be 0% when you select an event of a room while "Set the event for the rooms by default" is disabled.
- Fixed a little visual glitch in which the selected room stats showed an empty event and the event chance when you moved the slider.
- Swapped the "Open map" and "Save map" texts when opening/saving a map (they were incorrectly named).

- New Map Creator.
- Added a credits screen after the ending screen.
- Added new step sounds for SCP-939 and SCP-966.
- The scientist possessed by SCP-035 can now be encountered after he's released from the containment chamber.
- MTF Units now inform the control if they want to scan the cameras.
- New radio voice lines for the MTF-units.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed the tesla gate electric sprite freezing after death.
- Fixed an exploit that caused the blinking sprite to be rendered invisible after alt-tabbing the game.
- The inventory cannot be opened while the SCP-008 zombie cutscene plays.
- Removed the "room2doors" event from events.ini as the actual event used in the game is called "room2doors173"
- The keycard slot level for the archive rooms will now be saved instead of being generated newly each time.
- The "Battery low" text won't overlap with the "Scanning" text while wearing the blue night vision goggles anymore.
- The event where SCP-173 appears when entering the tunnel room won't pause anymore if you enter it and then leave the room afterwards.
- SCP-173 won't appear in the tunnel room when being contained.
- Gate A won't go any higher anymore if you quick-loaded the game.
- Fixed the player's rotation when the elevator arrives at Gate A.
- The ending screen won't appear anymore when you go to Gate A or B, load the game and die afterwards.
- SCP-106 won't disappear from Gate A anymore if you use SCP-1499.
- The SCP-1499 dimension won't lag anymore if you saved in it and load the save file from the main menu.
- The player cannot fly in the SCP-1499 dimension anymore.
- Fixed SCP-1499's dimension buildings spawning inside the facility.
- The progress bar of the first aid kit won't stay at it's current value if the item has been deselected.
- The inventory and the main menu cannot be opened anymore while using SCP-294.
- The camera won't turn rapidly anymore when leaving SCP-294.
- The maximum amount of achievements displayed at the ending screen is now correct.
- The correct damage sounds will now be played when the player gets attacked by the SCP-035 tentacles.
- The Debug HUD won't be enabled anymore if you start a new game after you have quit a game where it has been activated before.
- SCP-096 cannot spawn anymore if the room2servers event hasn't been triggered.
- Fixed the buttghost event having a chance not to spawn.
- Fixed SCP-008's container door not being saved.
- Fixed a bug when after reloading the save file SCP-173 was able to kill you when he was behind a door.
- Fixed MTF units getting stuck when they wanted to kill SCP-008 instances or SCP-049-2 instances but another MTF killed it.
- Fixed SCP-049-2 zombies damage range.
- Fixed the tunnel106 event.
- Fixed a bug that caused the camera screens not be able to be used for saving on euclid difficulty.
- The femur breaker can't be pressed anymore if the sound transmission is off.
- The navigator now works properly with custom maps.
- The intercom transmission from SCP-106's chamber won't play anymore if the player is in the SCP-1499 dimension, Pocket Dimension or the forest.
- Fixed the monitor in SCP-106's chamber being off after reloading the save file.
- Fixed the MTF gasmask sound.
- Fixed SCP-1048's room3pit event causing a Blitz3D error after loading a save file.
- Fixed the messages for the intro in your cell (all 3 of them are now displayed properly).
- SCP-714's wearing variable will now be saved by the game.
- Fixed a lot of memory leaks occuring at Gate A and B whenever you quickloaded the game after entering those.
- A lot of fixes related to SCP-106 not appearing in Pocket Dimension.
- The remote door control, secondary light and sound transmission won't stay the same when you quit a game to the menu and started a new one.
- Fixed a bug that caused the player to die when getting captured by SCP-106 in room3storage.
- Fixed the timer after which SCP-106 should appear when player leaves the Pocket Dimension.
- Added door collisions for a few doors when they are closing, which prevents the player from being able to go through them while the player shouldn't do it.
- Attempt to fix a bug where the player has the ability to fall through the map after reloading a save file.
- Attempt to fix SCP-096's ability to get stuck while running towards the player.
- Attempt to fix the clerk not dying at the tesla gate.
- Attempt to fix door objects appearing in the center of the rooms.
- The game was patched with the 4GB patch, which should prevent the game from lagging and crashing in most cases.

- The player can now run slightly longer than before (10 %).
- The stamina will increase faster if the player is not walking and slower if the player walks.
- Made SCP-106 slightly harder to shake off when it's chasing the player.

- Moved the buttons for the entrance doors in SCP-012's chamber and in the server room in the entrance zone.
- Revamped Map Creator.
- Added credits after the endings.
- Added new step sounds for SCP-939 and SCP-966.
- The scientist possessed by SCP-035 can now be encountered after he's released from SCP-035's containment chamber.
- MTF Units now inform command that they want to scan the cameras.
- New radio voice lines for the Mobile Task Force units.
- The player can now run slightly longer than before (10%).
- Stamina will increase faster if the player is not walking and slower if the player walks.
- Made SCP-106 slightly harder to escape when chasing the player.
- Moved the buttons for the doors in SCP-012's chamber, and in the Entrance Zone's server room.
- Revamped dead Class D texture.
- Some objects in certain areas will not render anymore if the player is outside of their specific rooms.
- Some objects in certain areas will not render anymore if the player is outside of view distance.
- Removed the ability to use "<" and ">" characters in the save name as this caused a crash when trying to save the game.
- Minor improvements in the Server Room (room2servers) event.
- Improvements in SCP-1123 event:
Expand All @@ -39,10 +156,10 @@ Bug fixes:
- Fixed SCP-294 crashing the game if uses a single whitespace as the input.
- Fixed SCP-294's drinks not being transparent if their alpha value is set to 0.
- Fixed the doors in SCP-1123's event not being rotated correctly after reloading the save file.
- Fixed guard's position in room2restroom.
- Fixed guard's position in room2restroom.
- Fixed a map generation bug that occasionally caused rooms to be rotated to an invalid angle.
- Fixed a bug that caused the RNG to break when using specific map seeds.
- Fixed SCP-096's scream still playing when the player teleports to the SCP-1499 dimension.
- Fixed SCP-096's scream still playing when the player teleports to the SCP-1499 dimension.


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