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This project is forked from com.github.nilyin:mapstruct-fluent-accessors-spi. For now almost all the features are the same as the original one. The subtle differences will be illustrated later.


First, add the dependency


Next, add the path in AnnotationProcessor



For an object contains a field named foo, if a method meets all these conditions:

  • has the same name as the field (i.e. foo()), with the prefix get (i.e. getFoo()), or with the prefix is (i.e. isFoo())
  • has no parameter
  • declares the same type as the field

it'll be taken as the getter of that field.

Differences with the original project

Comparing is between the version 1.0.0 of this project and the version 1.0.3 of the forked project

Almost all the features are the same but a small bug is fixed.

Consider we have a pojo like:

public class Pojo {
    @Min(5) // Type annotation
    private int foo;

    public int foo() {
        return foo;

If the @Min is a type annotation, in the original project, the method foo() will be considered NOT the getter of foo incorrectly.

The problem comes up from the method isSamePropertyNameExist(ExecutableElement getterOrSetterMethod). In the original project, it uses
to check whether the type of field and the type of the return type of the method are the same. However, since the filed is annotated by the Type Annotation @Min, the value of element.asType().toString() is actually @Min(5) java.lang.Integer which contains the info of the annotation, while the value of getterOrSetterMethod.getReturnType().toString() is java.lang.Integer.

To fix this tricky bug, the types comparing instead uses
typeUtils.isSameType(element.asType(), getterOrSetterMethod.getReturnType())
while the typeUtils is inherited from the parent class DefaultAccessorNamingStrategy. See Types#isSameType(TypeMirror t1, TypeMirror t2)


Fluent accessor for mapstruct.







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