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Reglohprie edited this page Sep 20, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the CalEventNotifier wiki!

CalEventNotifier is an addon that notifies you of pending calendar event invites. 15 minutes before the event starts it will be every 3 min. output a warning message with sound. This means that you still have enough time to log into the char that is participating at the event.

Chat Commands

/CEN - shows the help menu.

/CEN sendmsg - sends notifications to other guild members who have not installed CalEventNotifier.

/CEN reset - deletes all collected data.

CalEventNotifier now collects events across realm's. Therefore, it's necessary that all the old data must be deleted at first. Use "/CEN reset" to do this and then you should login all of your chars again for collecting your events.

To prevent spam messages in the guild channel, CalEventNotifier first checks whether the guild leader is online. If leader found then he get the highest priority to send notifications. All other clients then go into the silent mode. When a client logs off, it is checked whether he has sent the last notification. If it is so, then the next client is automatically selected for sending and so on. In this way it is guaranteed that always sends only one client.

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