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Matthew Marshall edited this page Aug 16, 2018 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Seed of Andromeda wiki!

If you're new to Seed of Andromeda, it's an open-source voxel-based RPG game being maintained by Regrowth Studios and being worked on by anyone and everyone that wants to try their hand at developing a game! In previous years the game has had a fantastic community around it and made great strides, as you can see in this video (picture is a link):

Seed of Andromeda Video on Procedural Star Rendering

As it stands the game isn't in particular working order, but the code compiles on all major operating systems and we've made strong progress towards getting it working again. We've done lots of quality life improvements both in the code and in the documentation to make it a lot easier to make progress going forwards.

If you want to get involved yourself, be sure to read the documentation in the panel to the right! Join us on the discord, too!