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Update Rehike

Aubrey edited this page Feb 20, 2023 · 5 revisions

You need to update Rehike to keep up to date with API changes, new features, and bug fixes. Right now, Rehike's update process is entirely manual, so it can be complicated for a lot of users.

If you installed Rehike with Git

  1. Open your operating system's terminal. This is the Command Prompt on Windows, the Terminal on macOS, and on Linux, it varies.

  2. Navigate to the folder where Rehike is installed with cd <REHIKE_DIR_NAME> where <REHIKE_DIR_NAME> is replaced with the directory that Rehike is installed in.

    Here are the most common default Rehike install directories, by operating system.

    Operating system Path
    Windows C:\xampp\htdocs
    Unix (macOS/Linux) /opt/lampp/htdocs

    (Note: If your Rehike installation path contains spaces, you must enclose the directory name in double quotes, "like this")

  3. Type the command git pull and press enter. Rehike should now be updated.

    • If you get fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git, you did not install Rehike with Git, and you should refer to the other method below.
    • If you get 'a' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file., or something along those lines, you do not have Git installed, or it is not in your PATH.

If you downloaded Rehike directly from GitHub

(NOTE: This method of installing Rehike is highly discouraged. Use Git if you can.)

  1. Navigate to main page of the repository at

  2. On the top right of the middle section, click the green button that says "Code"

  3. From there, click "Download ZIP" at the bottom of the menu that pops up.

  4. Once it's downloaded, extract the ZIP file wherever.

  5. Navigate to the folder that gets extracted, if you see only one folder inside, navigate to that folder.

  6. Select everything inside of the folder, and cut it with Ctrl (Command on macOS) + X.

  7. Navigate to the folder in which you installed Rehike, a table of common install directories is above.

  8. Delete everything in the folder except for config.json. You want to keep your settings.

  9. Paste the new Rehike files in. Rehike should now be updated.