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Release build: 0.7.0-rc4
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* Includes only localStorage backend (though backends are pluggable via public API)
* Contains a lot of debug tools. Those will be stripped from the final release,
  so size will decrease eventually.
* Supports custom views through remoteStorage.widget.setView();
  (the authoritative reference for the view API is the default implementation as
   found in src/lib/widget/default.js)
* Tested against the following browsers:
  (all on x86, Linux 3.2)

  - Chromium 21.0
  - Firefox 16.0
  - Iceweasel 8.0
  - Google Chrome 24.0

* In all those browsers, tested against the following storage providers:

  - nodeJS example server (node/nodejs-example.js)
  - remotestorage-ruby (as deployed on

* Tested using the following apps:

  - myfavoritedrinks (
  - remotestorage-browser (


* Consumes a lot of memory due to excessive debug logging. This is especially
  relevant when you are syncing a lot of data. If the initial sync becomes stuck,
  try deactivating loggers (e.g. using remoteStorage.util.setLogLevel('error') or

* the "indexedDb" adapter (with webSQL support through IndexedDBShim is part of the
  source tree, but has misbehaved seriously on two browser, so won't be enabled by
  default. If you want to use them do so on your own risk
  Note that a buggy cache adapter may damage and / or destroy your data.
  • Loading branch information
nilclass committed Dec 16, 2012
1 parent aeb331b commit 755275e
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