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Frontend Mentor - Time Tracking Dashboard

Design preview for the Typemaster pre-launch landing page coding challenge

Welcome! 👋

Today's challenge was building the Junior level project "Time Tracking Dashboard"

Live Site

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • SASS
  • Vue (Composition API)


Vue.js definitely has an easier learning curve compared to other JS frameworks.

This being the 2nd Vue project I've worked on, I've already, to my surprise, gotten quite comfortable building UIs with this framework.

A lot of time was spent on bugs related to the Composition API. Wrapping your head around the logic and workflow with the Composition API might take a bit of time, but the upside is your app will be easy to manage and scale with time.

Another tricky aspect was building the layout for both mobile and desktop. Now, this wasn't about not knowing how to build it, but rather, why build it in that particular way over another one.

I've found myself going down the rabbit hole too many times.

Because of this, you shut yourself to new opportunities of creating even more effective code - there's always an even better way of writing the code.

This philosophy shouldn't be applied just to programming languages such as JavaScript - it's an all-encompansing philosophy that should guide the way you write every line of code.


  • Find a better way to handle data changes
  • Write code in a more meaningful manner
  • Pay attention to syntax rules (a lot of errors originate here)

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My work

You can find more challenges that I've completed here