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Typescript ranges based on Guava RangeMap.

The library is available as an npm package. To install the package run:

npm install range-ts --save
# or with yarn
yarn add range-ts



Defines a range between two values defined by Numbers and Bound Types. The name NumberRange is used to distinguish from the DOM Range class.

The NumberRange class has a toString to aid in readability. The [] and () symbols are used to indicate a Closed and Open bound type respectively. Some examples:

toString() Definition
[1..2] x >= 1 && x <= 2
(2..5] x > 2 && x <= 5
[-∞..2] x <= 2
(-∞..2) x > -Infinity && x < 2

See also:

Ranges can, as an example, also be used to define a period of time with Dates, where the Dates are used to define the day. To define a full day, ClosedOpen can be used.

// Example with DateFns (CET)
const now = new Date(); // Sun Jan 03 2021 13:47:28    1609678048377
const dayStart = startOfDay(now); // Sun Jan 03 2021 00:00:00    1609628400000
const nextDayStart = addDays(dayStart, 1); // Mon Jan 04 2021 00:00:00    1609714800000
NumberRange.closedOpen(dayStart, nextDayStart); // [2021-01-02T23:00:00.000Z..2021-01-03T23:00:00.000Z)

Depending on your domain decisions you might serialize it like this:

const range = NumberRange.closedOpen(1609628400000, 1609714800000);

return {
  startDate: format(range.lowerEndpoint, "yyyy-MM-dd"), // Note the unicode tokens used by format in dateFns v2 (
  toDate: format(range.upperEndpoint, "yyyy-MM-dd"),


Not currently implemented. This would be a set containing Ranges, where none of the ranges overlap and overlapping ranges are automatically joined.

A quick way to get this functionality is to create a RangeMap or something similar and use putCoalescing.

See also:


RangeMaps can be used to define a value for a specified Range.

Below you can find an example implementation that pivots a list of attendees with the days that they attend to a list of attendees per day. The example is a bit convoluted, in this case you would more likely use a simple array, where index keeps track of the day, or a map with a key doing the same. However, the approach shown here with RangeMap also works for tracking attendance using periods defined by Date objects instead, without much change in code.

import { isEqual } from "lodash-es";

// Example input domain object
class Attendance {
  name: string;
  days: number[];

// The festival spans 4 days, from day 1 until day 4. Or [1..5)
// IsEqual is uesed to handle array equality for putCoalescing
const festivalAttendanceRangeMap = new RangeMap<string[]>(isEqual);
const attendance: Attendance[] = [
    name: "Bob",
    days: [1, 2, 3, 4],
    name: "Lisa",
    days: [1, 2, 3],
    name: "Eve",
    days: [4, 1],

// Init with empty array
festivalAttendanceRangeMap.putCoalescing(Range.closedOpen(1, 5), []);

// Iterate over each attendance
attendance.forEach(({ name, days }) => {
  days.forEach((day) => {
    const dayRange = NumberRange.closedOpen(day, day + 1);
    const subRangeMap = festivalAttendanceRangeMap

    // Iterate over all existing entries for the given day
    // Not really necessary in this example, but this will handle any periods that do not span the entire day as well
    [...subRangeMap.entries()].forEach(([key, value]) => {
      festivalAttendanceRangeMap.putCoalescing(key, [...value, name]);

const result = festivalAttendanceRangeMap.asMapOfRanges();

  [NumberRange.closedOpen(1, 2), ["Bob", "Lisa", "Eve"]],
  [NumberRange.closedOpen(2, 4), ["Bob", "Lisa"]],
  [NumberRange.closedOpen(4, 5), ["Bob", "Eve"]],

See also:

Note that the current implementation in this library is a simple array based list of key/value pairs, not a tree based structure.