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Versioning schema

Martin Shetty edited this page Jan 19, 2021 · 1 revision

The following provisional versioning schema is being adopted to avoid ambiguity when referring to past and future versions of the ventilator.

  • at this point in development, we urge everyone to refrain from referring to anything as "alpha" or "beta"
  • we shall refer to preliminary design iterations as 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, etc..
  • there may be some variation in what falls under each version, given "pizza" and "enclosed" variants and prototypes developed by partners in other countries. Strictness of definition is expected to tighten as the design matures.
  • we shall only designate something "beta" when a 95% complete version is actually on our table, i.e. not aspirational in ever-drifting milestones
  • the "tupperware" alpha has retroactively been designated as 0.1
  • the "Covent" version shall continue to be referred to as 0.2, as this has already caught on
  • the first metal-enclosed version with oxygen support shall be referred to as 0.3
  • anything you find in old tickets or discussions that was referred to as "beta" might in fact be referring to 0.2 or 0.3
  • the next iteration with new PCB and possibly new enclosure shall be called 0.4
  • we could potentially tag and make an official release (github feature) of 0.4 and possibly even of 0.3 once we deem the docs in the repo to completely reflect the reality of that design
  • old tickets may be retroactively updated to refer to these versions using this less ambiguous versioning schema
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