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  • define app urls
  • when price is entered, price labels should be recalculated in real-time
  • drop-downs should be pre-populated with different data, depending on what is selected
  • load view with model and populate template with model data
  • load model using GET localhost/api/listings/drafts/:id
  • may need local server for that (can be done with node and express in 5 mins or Nancy for .NET)
  • after editing is done do PUT to /api/listings/drafts/:id
  • support async model loading in some way, show a spinner on top of pre-rendered model

##Ember specific:

  • split templates/controllers/views/ and routes to separate files
  • move it to EmberCLI
  • upgrade to Ember 1.9
  • switch proto to Fortune.JS from Express
  • figure out how to define recursive model "category that has sub-categories"
  • handle API errors, e.g. when #/listings/drafts is unable to load nothing happens
  • consider using Accounting.js to format money + handlebars helpers:


##How to run on Windows

#clone project from GitHub
git clone

#install chocolatey
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))

#install NodeJS and npm
choco install nodejs.install

#download and install all project dependencies
npm update 

#instaull Grunt javascript task runner and it's cli tools
npm install -g grunt
npm install -g grunt-cli

#install Ruby
choco install ruby
choco install rubygems

#restart console to refresh env variables

#fix nasty Ruby issue with SSL
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile c:\cacert.pem
Set-Item -Path env:SSL_CERT_FILE -Value C:\cacert.pem

#install Compass css pre-processor using Ruby gems
gem install compass

#install Bower
npm install -g bower

#download dependencies from bower
bower update

#run local server + autoreload for the project
grunt serve


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