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Releases: Rethereum-blockchain/go-rethereum

Hypra 1.13.1 - HOTFIX

23 Feb 16:09
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This is a hotfix for a segmentation fault on the geth node.

Full Changelog: v1.13.4...v1.13.5

Hypra 1.13.1 - Gaspar fork fix

16 Dec 17:05
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This is a required update

A network fork will happen on block 1,600,957 Roughly December 29th 2023

Due to a code trap put in by Ethereum devs, Gaspar never activated due to checks for Proof-of-stake and beacon, these checks have been found and removed.
View the change log for 1.13.0 for changes Gaspar upgrade introduces.

Change Log:
[EVM] Override check for "The Merge"
[ethashb3] Removed Proof-of-Stake checks in merge and shanghai trying to disable Proof-of-Work
[Blockchain/Params] Delayed Gaspar upgrade to block 1,600,957 - December 29th
[Blockchain/Params] Update chain snapshot to epoch 43

Full Changelog: v1.13.3...v1.13.4

Rethereum 1.13.0 - Gaspar + Krontos Testnet

17 Nov 16:21
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This is a required update

A network fork will happen on block 1,354,811

EVM Upgrade
In this update we will bring Rethereum EVM upto the version from the Ethereum Shangai update. Because of the EVM update reliance on the Merge fork and child forks thereon we have created our own forks to enable these EVM upgrades on our own chain, this fork will be known as Gaspar.

In 1.13 we will enable a testnet on Rethereum with the above EVM upgrade enabled from the start, the testnet will be know as Krontos. The chain id will be 622301.
You can load up the testnet using --krontos start parameter.

Complete Separation from Ethereum Codebase
Some of the remaining code used in Rethereum would pull from Ethereums github repositories. We have made significant changes for this to no longer be the case, this makes Rethereum code completely self contained.
You may notice that the code is labeled version 1.13.3, we had to do some falsey releases in order to complete the seperation and register the project

Change Log:
[Blockchain/Params] Defined Gaspar fork
[Blockchain/Params] Defined Krontos Testnet
[EVM] Enable Merge upgrade
[EVM] Enable Shanghai upgrade
[EVM] Enabled PUSH0 Opcode
[EVM] Enabled SSTORE Opcode
[EVM] Enabled BASEFEE Opcode
[EVM] Enabled PREVRANDAO Opcode
[EVM] Limit the maximum size of initcode to 49152 and apply extra gas cost of 2 for every 32-byte chunk of initcode
[Blockchain/Params] Update chain snapshot to epoch 35
[ALL] Removed all refrences to go-ethereum code and replaced them with go-rethereum.
[Network] Changed hidden hardcoded network ID's to Rethereum network ID, this caused random undebuggable failures for some nodes (fuck you ethereum devs)
[StateDB] Fixed missing key starting with 0xFF
[StateDB] Update fastcache from 3 year old version
[TXPool] Initialize new block transcations map to a known size
[TXPool] Resize pending transcations pool map to a known size
[Events] Initialize submitted transcations map to a known size
[Memory] Initialize memory cached block map to known size
[P2P] Optimize discovery communication.
[EthAPI] eth_call can now be ran on a specific block. Used for backtesting and execution simulation
[Internal] blockchain variables are now atomic
[EthAPI] Fixed crash when requesting a block as soon as it has been mined and not finalized
[TXPool] Moved EIP1559 into a package
[Geth/cmd] Correctly report invalid blocks on importing a chain
[EthAPI] Change blocknumber constants for pendingBlock, latestBlock to correct values.
[CoreState] Removed dead code paths
[Core] Fixed consensys gnark-crypto allowing signature malleability vulnrability CVE-2023-44273

Full Changelog: v1.12.2...v1.13.3

Rethereum Geth 1.12.1 - Veldin Hotfix

30 Aug 19:35
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This is a hotfix to fix an issue with how the chain handles previous uncles. These were causing invalid block errors to be thrown.

Rethereum 1.12.0 - Veldin

26 Aug 21:40
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Veldin update

This is the first onchain update for the retheum network.
This update fixes the uncle maker bug and includes general improvements.
We also include a light sync mode with this update, can be used with --syncmode=light

Change log

  • [Rpc/SubmitWork] Fixed uncle maker vulnerability
  • [LES/4] Deployed light sync checkpoint oracle
  • [LES/4] Enabled light and snap syncing
  • [Eth/Config] Set default sync mode to snap
  • [Eth/Api] Optimized eth_getProof
  • [Eth/Api] Optimized transcation signing
  • [EthashB3] Removed ice-age bomb
  • [Windows/RPC] Replace abandoned npipe package with winio
  • [Eth/Peer] Added IPv6 support
  • [Eth/Peer] Peer ping is now a seperate coroutine
  • [Eth/State] Fixed rare crash when processing blocks using snap sync
  • [Consensus] Including uncle rewards 0.1 RTH for each uncle
  • [Consensus] Changed reward decrease time to every 3 years instead of 4, then 2, then 3.

This is a required update

A network fork will happen on block 500,009.

Rethereum Geth 1.11.7 - Bootnodes update

06 Aug 12:24
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In this update we added new bootnodes to keep syncing quick between peers and the explorer.
This is the final release of the 1.11 version, next version 1.12 will be the first rethereum onchain update, and will include breaking changes.

Rethereum Geth 1.11.6 - Blake3 PoW Mainnet

22 Jul 16:29
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Rethereum Geth v1.11.6 is a fork of the official ethereum geth with the following changes.

Rethereum Changes

ETHash consensus changes:

  • Replaced Keccak hashing algorithm with Blake3 hashing Algorithm - Dubbed ETHash-B3
  • Concensus changed to ETHash-B3
  • TerminalTotalDifficulty & TerminalTotalDifficultyPassed has been disabled.
  • Beacon delgation removed

Network changes

  • Block time has been changed from 13 seconds to 7 seconds.
  • Coin name changed to RTH
  • Block rewards modified to 4.0 RTH + 0.1 for uncle blocks for the first ~4 years.
  • Chaindata directory name changed to Rethereum

Ethereum Base changes.

Log rotation has landed in geth, via (ethereum/go-ethereum#26843). Log rotation can be activated using the flag --log.rotate. Additional parameters that can be given are:

  • --log.maxsize to set maximum size before files are rotated,
  • --log.maxbackups to set how many files are retailed,
  • --log.maxage to configure max age of rotated files,
  • --log.compress whether to compress rotated files

The location the logfile(s) can be configured as previously, using the --log.logfile parameter.

A new log output format, logfmt was added (ethereum/go-ethereum#27001, ethereum/go-ethereum#26970). It can be enabled using --log.format, which currently supports the options json, logfmt or terminal. (Thus, the --log.json option is now deprecated).

And finally, the flag --vmodule was renamed to --log.vmodule (ethereum/go-ethereum#27071).

For a full rundown of the changes please consult the Geth 1.11.6 release milestone.