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RevenantX committed Dec 8, 2019
1 parent c4b6a50 commit ec40545
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Showing 71 changed files with 33,239 additions and 7 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion docfx_project/articles/

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135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions docfx_project/articles/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
**NetPacketProcessor** - fast specialized for network purposes serializer.<br>
It supports **classes** with **public properties with "get" and "set"** methods or **classes/structs with implemented `INetSerializable`**.<br>
Serializer adds some overhead in size: 64 bit hash of class name and namespace (8 bytes). All other class fields will be as is in resulting packet.
### Supported property types
byte sbyte short ushort int uint long ulong float double bool string char IPEndPoint
byte[] short[] ushort[] int[] uint[] long[] ulong[] float[] double[] bool[] string[]
### Serialization speed comparsion
Serialization 100_000 times of simple structure from [example](
BinaryFormatter time: 3418 ms
NetSerializer first run time: 127 ms
NetSerializer second run time: 99 ms
DataWriter (raw put method calls) time: 24 ms
### Packet Example
class SamplePacket
public string SomeString { get; set; }
public float SomeFloat { get; set; }
public int[] SomeIntArray { get; set; }
### Nested structs or classes
It does not supports nested structs or classes.<br>
But you can register custom type processor.<br>
That usefull for game engine types such as Vector3 and Quaternion (in Unity3d).
//Your packet that will be sent over network
class SamplePacket
public MyType SomeMyType { get; set; }

//Arrays of custom types supported too
public MyType[] SomeMyTypes { get; set; }

//Some custom type (variant 1)
struct MyType
public int Value1;
public string Value2;

public static void Serialize(NetDataWriter writer, SomeMyType mytype)

public static MyType Deserialize(NetDataReader reader)
MyType res = new MyType();
res.Value1 = reader.GetInt();
res.Value2 = reader.GetString();
return res;
netPacketProcessor = new NetPacketProcessor();
netPacketProcessor.RegisterNestedType( MyType.Serialize, MyType.Deserialize );
Another variant you can implement INetSerializable interface:
//Some custom type (variant 2)
struct SomeMyType : INetSerializable
public int Value1;
public string Value2;

public void Serialize(NetDataWriter writer)

public void Deserialize(NetDataReader reader)
Value1 = reader.GetInt();
Value2 = reader.GetString();
netPacketProcessor = new NetPacketProcessor();
Or if you want use struct instead of class (and implement INetSerializable interface)
you must provide constructor:
netPacketProcessor.RegisterNestedType<SomeMyType>(() => { return new SomeMyType(); });
# Usage example (for full example look at source [SerializerBenchmark](
//First side
class SomeClientListener : INetEventListener
private readonly NetPacketProcessor _netPacketProcessor = new NetPacketProcessor();
public void OnPeerConnected(NetPeer peer)
SamplePacket sp = new SamplePacket
SomeFloat = 3.42f,
SomeIntArray = new[] {6, 5, 4},
SomeString = "Test String",
peer.Send(_netPacketProcessor.Write(sp), DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered);
//or you can use _netPacketProcessor.Send(peer, sp, DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered);

//Other side
class SomeServerListener : INetEventListener
private readonly NetPacketProcessor _netPacketProcessor = new NetPacketProcessor();

public SomeServerListener()
//Subscribe to packet receiving
_netPacketProcessor.SubscribeReusable<SamplePacket, NetPeer>(OnSamplePacketReceived);

private void OnSamplePacketReceived(SamplePacket samplePacket, NetPeer peer)
Console.WriteLine("[Server] ReceivedPacket:\n" + samplePacket.SomeString);

public void OnNetworkReceive(NetPeer peer, NetPacketReader reader, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod)
Console.WriteLine("[Server] received data. Processing...");
_netPacketProcessor.ReadAllPackets(reader, peer);
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docfx_project/articles/toc.yml
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- name: Introduction
- name: NetSerializer usage
145 changes: 141 additions & 4 deletions docfx_project/
@@ -1,4 +1,141 @@
# This is the **HOMEPAGE**.
Refer to [Markdown]( for how to write markdown files.
## Quick Start Notes:
1. Add images to the *images* folder if the file is referencing an image.
# LiteNetLib

Lite reliable UDP library for .NET Framework 3.5, Mono, .NET Core 2.0, .NET Standard 2.0.


[Little Game Example on Unity](

## Features

* Lightweight
* Small CPU and RAM usage
* Small packet size overhead ( 1 byte for unreliable, 3 bytes for reliable packets )
* Simple connection handling
* Peer to peer connections
* Helper classes for sending and reading messages
* Multiple data channels
* Different send mechanics
* Reliable with order
* Reliable without order
* Reliable sequenced (realiable only last packet)
* Ordered but unreliable with duplication prevention
* Simple UDP packets without order and reliability
* Fast packet serializer [(Usage manual)](
* Automatic small packets merging
* Automatic fragmentation of reliable packets
* Automatic MTU detection
* UDP NAT hole punching
* NTP time requests
* Packet loss and latency simulation
* IPv6 support (dual mode)
* Connection statisitcs (need DEBUG or STATS_ENABLED flag)
* Multicasting (for discovering hosts in local network)
* Unity support
* Supported platforms:
* Windows/Mac/Linux (.NET Framework, Mono, .NET Core)
* Android (Unity)
* iOS (Unity)
* UWP Windows 10 including phones
* Lumin OS (Magic Leap)

## Unity notes!!!
* Always use library sources instead of precompiled DLL files ( because there are platform specific #ifdefs and workarounds for unity bugs )

## Usage samples

### Client
EventBasedNetListener listener = new EventBasedNetListener();
NetManager client = new NetManager(listener);
client.Connect("localhost" /* host ip or name */, 9050 /* port */, "SomeConnectionKey" /* text key or NetDataWriter */);
listener.NetworkReceiveEvent += (fromPeer, dataReader, deliveryMethod) =>
Console.WriteLine("We got: {0}", dataReader.GetString(100 /* max length of string */));

while (!Console.KeyAvailable)

### Server
EventBasedNetListener listener = new EventBasedNetListener();
NetManager server = new NetManager(listener);
server.Start(9050 /* port */);

listener.ConnectionRequestEvent += request =>
if(server.PeersCount < 10 /* max connections */)

listener.PeerConnectedEvent += peer =>
Console.WriteLine("We got connection: {0}", peer.EndPoint); // Show peer ip
NetDataWriter writer = new NetDataWriter(); // Create writer class
writer.Put("Hello client!"); // Put some string
peer.Send(writer, DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered); // Send with reliability

while (!Console.KeyAvailable)

## NetManager settings description

* **UnconnectedMessagesEnabled**
* enable messages receiving without connection. (with SendUnconnectedMessage method)
* default value: **false**
* **NatPunchEnabled**
* enable NAT punch messages
* default value: **false**
* **UpdateTime**
* library logic update (and send) period in milliseconds
* default value: **15 msec**.
* **PingInterval**
* Interval for latency detection and checking connection
* default value: **1000 msec**.
* **DisconnectTimeout**
* if client or server doesn't receive any packet from remote peer during this time then connection will be closed
* (including library internal keepalive packets)
* default value: **5000 msec**.
* **SimulatePacketLoss**
* simulate packet loss by dropping random amout of packets. (Works only in DEBUG mode)
* default value: **false**
* **SimulateLatency**
* simulate latency by holding packets for random time. (Works only in DEBUG mode)
* default value: **false**
* **SimulationPacketLossChance**
* chance of packet loss when simulation enabled. value in percents.
* default value: **10 (%)**
* **SimulationMinLatency**
* minimum simulated latency
* default value: **30 msec**
* **SimulationMaxLatency**
* maximum simulated latency
* default value: **100 msec**
* **BroadcastEnabled**
* Allows receive Broadcast packets
* default value: **false**
* **ReconnectDelay**
* delay betwen connection attempts
* default value: **500 msec**
* **MaxConnectAttempts**
* maximum connection attempts before client stops and call disconnect event.
* default value: **10**
* **UnsyncedEvents**
* Experimental feature. Events automatically will be called without PollEvents method from another thread
* default value: **false**

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