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The API is built with express.js, written in TypeScript, and deployed to an Azure Functions App.


The database we are using to store the video game information is Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB which is a NoSQL database.
We are using NoSQL in anticipation that we will be adding much more endpoints and data in the future.

Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB works with Mongoose which is a MongoDB ORM npm package that is highly intuative to develop with. The only difference between Mondo DB and Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB is the connection URI.


This API is deployed to an Azure Functions App and every endpoint is it's own function. The Functions App acts as a backend for the Azure API Manager which controlls the API keys, versioning, etc.


To keep costs minimal, both the Functions App and APIM are on consumption tiers. This does not auto generate a developer portal.
This requires me to either make my own or manually create subscription keys. For now, this API is only for Lazy Afternoon and partners.

Future Developments

  • Create a developer portal to allow users to sign up for API keys.
  • Continue to seed the database with video game information.
  • Clean up some extra docker files used during development. (I am debating on continuing to deploy directly from VSCode or use docker images.)
  • Setup CI/CD for future updates.