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Advanced Tooltips

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More and better tooltips on items!

What is this mod?

Advanced Tooltips adds new tooltips to items like shulker boxes, filled maps, fish buckets, armor, food, banner patterns, and more! It's is also pretty configurable, most parts can be enabled/disabled to your heart's desire!

This is a Fabric port of the now Quilt-exclusive mod "Inspecio", found here.


Armor tooltip


Food tooltip


Effects tooltips


suspicious stew


Shulker Box tooltips (and other storage blocks)







Jukebox tooltip


Loot Table Tooltip


Bee Hive Tooltip


Sign Tooltip


Banner Pattern




Filled Map



Armor Stand


Bucket of Fish


Bucket of Axolotl


Spawn Eggs


Lodestone Compass


Repair Cost



The configuration file of the mod is located in <minecraft directory>/config/advanced-tooltips.json.

You can use the command /tooltips config to manage configuration.

Here's the default configuration:

  "jukebox": "fancy",
  "sign": "fancy",
  "advanced_tooltips": {
    "repair_cost": true,
    "lodestone_coords": false
  "filled_map": {
    "enabled": true,
    "show_player_icon": false
  "food": {
    "hunger": true,
    "saturation": "merged"
  "containers": {
    "campfire": true,
    "storage": {
      "enabled": true,
      "compact": false,
      "loot_table": true
    "shulker_box": {
      "enabled": true,
      "compact": false,
      "loot_table": true,
      "color": true
  "effects": {
    "food": true,
    "hidden_motion": true,
    "hidden_effect_mode": "enchantment",
    "beacon": true,
    "potions": true,
    "tipped_arrows": true,
    "spectral_arrow": true
  "entities": {
    "fish_bucket": {
      "enabled": true,
      "always_show_name": false,
      "spin": true
    "spawn_egg": {
      "enabled": true,
      "always_show_name": false,
      "spin": true
    "pufferfish_puff_state": 2,
    "armor_stand": {
      "enabled": true,
      "always_show_name": false,
      "spin": true
    "bee": {
      "enabled": true,
      "always_show_name": false,
      "spin": true,
      "show_honey_level": true
    "mob_spawner": {
      "enabled": true,
      "always_show_name": false,
      "spin": true
  "armor": true,
  "banner_pattern": true

Here's a list of each configuration entries and what they do:

  • armor (bool) - true if the display of the armor bar on armor items is enabled, or false otherwise.
  • banner_pattern (bool) - true if the display of the pattern in the tooltip of banner patterns is enabled, or false otherwise.
  • advanced_tooltips
    • repair_cost (bool) - true if the display the repair cost value is enabled, or false otherwise.
    • lodestone_coords (bool) - true if a display of the lodestone coordinates on lodestone compass is enabled, or false otherwise.
  • containers
    • campfire (bool) - true if the display of a special tooltip on campfires which hold custom NBT is enabled, or false otherwise.
    • storage
      • enabled (bool) - true if the inventory of storage items like chests, barrels, etc. should be shown in the tooltip, or false otherwise.
      • compact (bool) - true if the inventory should be compacted to take as little space as possible, or false otherwise.
      • loot_table (bool) - true if the loot table identifier should be displayed in the tooltip if specified, or false otherwise.
    • shulker_box
      • enabled (bool) - true if the inventory of shulker boxes should be shown in the tooltip, or false otherwise.
      • compact (bool) - true if the inventory should be compacted to take as little space as possible, or false otherwise.
      • loot_table (bool) - true if the loot table identifier should be displayed in the tooltip if specified, or false otherwise.
      • color (bool) - true if the inventory tooltip should be colored the same as the shulker box, or false otherwise.
  • effects
    • potions (bool) - true if replacing the effect tooltips with a fancy one on potion items is enabled, or false otherwise.
    • tipped_arrows (bool) - true if replacing the effect tooltips with a fancy one on tipped arrows is enabled, or false otherwise.
    • spectral_arrow (bool) - true if replacing the effect tooltips with a fancy one on spectral arrow item is enabled, or false otherwise.
    • food (bool) - true if adding effect tooltips on food items is enabled, or false otherwise.
    • hidden_motion (bool) - true if using obfuscated text for hidden effect tooltips is enabled, or false otherwise.
    • hidden_effect_mode (string) - "enchantment" will display the obfuscated text for hidden effect tooltips with the enchantment font, "obfuscated" will use the normal font.
    • beacon (bool) - true if adding a tooltip with the primary and secondary effects (if they exist) is enabled, or false otherwise.
  • entities
    • armor_stand
      • enabled (bool) - true if armor stand tooltip should be displayed, or false otherwise.
      • always_show_name (bool) - true if the name of an armor stand should always be shown, or false otherwise and use the CTRL key instead.
      • spin (bool) - true if the armor stand spin in the tooltip, or false otherwise
    • bee
      • enabled (bool) - true if displaying the bees in the beehive tooltip is enabled, or false otherwise.
      • always_show_name (bool) - true if the name of the bees should always be shown, or false otherwise and use the CTRL key instead.
      • spin (bool) - true if the bees spin in the tooltip, or false otherwise.
      • show_honey_level (bool) true if the honey level should be shown, or false otherwise.
    • fish_bucket
      • enabled (bool) - true if fish bucket tooltips should display the entity they hold, or false otherwise.
      • spin (bool) - true if the entity spins in the tooltip, or false otherwise.
    • mob_spawner
      • enabled (bool) - true if mob spawner tooltips should display the entity they hold, or false otherwise.
      • always_show_name (bool) - true if the name of the hold entity should always be shown, or false otherwise.
      • spin (bool) - true if the entity spins in the tooltip, or false otherwise.
    • spawn_egg
      • enabled (bool) - true if spawn egg tooltips should display the entity they hold, or false otherwise.
      • always_show_name (bool) - true if the name of the hold entity should always be shown, or false otherwise.
      • spin (bool) - true if the entity spins in the tooltip, or false otherwise.
    • pufferfish_puff_state (int) - the pufferfish puff state, between 0 and 2 inclusive.
  • filled_map
    • enabled (bool) - true if filled map tooltips should display the map, or false otherwise.
    • show_player_icon (bool) - true if show the player icon on filled map tooltips, or false otherwise.
  • food
    • hunger (bool) - true if hunger bar should be displayed on food items, or false otherwise.
    • saturation (string) - "disabled" does nothing, "merged" adds the saturation bar as an outline to the hunger bar, "separated" adds its own saturation bar.
  • jukebox (string) - "disabled" does nothing, "fast" will add the inserted disc name if possible in the tooltip of jukeboxes, "fancy" will display the disc item as well.
  • sign (string) - "disabled" does nothing, "fast" will add the sign content as text tooltip if possible, "fancy" will add a fancy sign tooltip if possible.


A Minecraft mod which adds more tooltip components to items.







  • Java 100.0%